The Ultimate Definition of Artificial Intelligence

What Really Sets AI Apart from Traditional Programming and Technology?

Gianpiero Andrenacci
Data Bistrot
11 min read6 hours ago


How AI Transforms the Landscape of Computing

Artificial intelligence is a term that sparks curiosity, debate, and even confusion. Over the years, countless definitions have been proposed, each capturing a different facet of what AI is or could be. Yet, despite all these efforts, no single definition has fully encompassed its vast potential and scope.

Sometimes, the boundaries between AI, traditional programming, and general computing become blurred, making it even harder to pin down a clear-cut meaning.

To shed light on this complex concept, I have compiled some of the most influential definitions of AI, from its historical roots to the most prevalent interpretations of our time.

In this article, we embark on a journey to piece together these fragments and arrive at a comprehensive, definitive definition of artificial intelligence — one that captures its essence in the ever-evolving field of technology.

The first definition of Artificial Intelligence

John McCarthy, a pioneering computer scientist, is credited with coining the term “Artificial Intelligence” in 1956.

McCarthy defined AI as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.”

“The ultimate effort is to make computer programs that can solve problems and achieve goals in the world as well as humans.”

His definition highlights AI’s dual nature: both a scientific pursuit to understand and replicate intelligence and an engineering discipline focused on creating machines that can perform tasks typically requiring human intellect. This foundational perspective set the stage for the diverse and evolving field that AI has become today.

Modern definitions of artificial intelligence

Beyond McCarthy’s foundational perspective, several modern definitions of artificial intelligence capture the evolving nature and scope of the field.

IBM: Artificial intelligence (AI) is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human learning, comprehension, problem solving, decision making, creativity and autonomy.

Wikipedia: Artificial intelligence (AI), in its broadest sense, is intelligence exhibited by machines, particularly computer systems. It is a field of research in computer science that develops and studies methods and software that enable machines to perceive their environment and use learning and intelligence to take actions that maximize their chances of achieving defined goals. Such machines may be called AIs.

Oxford Languages: artificial intelligence; noun: AI

The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Google: Artificial intelligence is a field of science concerned with building computers and machines that can reason, learn, and act in such a way that would normally require human intelligence or that involves data whose scale exceeds what humans can analyze.

AI is a broad field that encompasses many different disciplines, including computer science, data analytics and statistics, hardware and software engineering, linguistics, neuroscience, and even philosophy and psychology.

On an operational level for business use, AI is a set of technologies that are based primarily on machine learning and deep learning, used for data analytics, predictions and forecasting, object categorization, natural language processing, recommendations, intelligent data retrieval, and more.

Microsoft: What is artificial intelligence?

It’s the capability of a computer system to mimic human-like cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving.

What have these Definitions in common ?

All the definitions of artificial intelligence (AI) share some common themes. They describe AI as a technology or a field focused on creating machines or computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence. These tasks include:

  1. Learning: Machines are capable of learning from data or experiences.
  2. Decision Making: They can make decisions based on data or predefined rules.
  3. Problem Solving: AI can solve complex problems similar to how humans approach them.
  4. Mimicking Human Abilities: AI is often described in terms of its ability to simulate or mimic human cognitive functions such as perception, comprehension, reasoning, and creativity.
  5. Autonomy: Many definitions highlight AI’s capacity to operate autonomously without human intervention.

General Definition

Based on the common elements, a general definition of artificial intelligence could be:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the field of computer science and technology focused on creating machines or systems that can perform tasks requiring human-like cognitive functions, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, and understanding natural language, often with the ability to operate autonomously.

This definition captures the core idea from all the sources, emphasizing the capability of machines to replicate human intelligence functions.

Still Uncertain: What Truly Makes AI ‘Intelligent’?

While this general definition of artificial intelligence captures the essence of what AI aims to achieve — creating machines capable of replicating human cognitive functions — it also raises questions about the boundaries of AI itself.

If AI is defined by tasks like learning, reasoning, and decision-making, where do we draw the line between AI and traditional software that also performs complex tasks?

After all, traditional programming can also be engineered to solve problems, make decisions based on data, or execute sophisticated algorithms, often appearing to mimic human-like capabilities.

This ambiguity suggests that the distinction between AI and conventional software may not always be clear-cut. The overlap between AI and traditional programming leads us to question whether certain technologies should truly be considered “intelligent” or if they are simply more advanced versions of existing software.

In the following section, we will dive deeper into this gray area, clarifying the subtle but important differences between traditional programming techniques and AI, and exploring how these distinctions shape our understanding of what artificial intelligence truly entails.

AI vs Traditional programming and Technology

Traditional programming has always been the bedrock of computing, where everything follows a precise script.

In traditional programming, the foundation is solidly built on explicit rules and precise instructions meticulously crafted by programmers. Here, the behavior of the software is defined through a series of “if-then” statements and carefully designed algorithms, which dictate how the software should operate in every conceivable situation.

This approach is all about certainty. You know exactly what will happen when you input data, as the software follows the strict logic laid out by its creators. The predictability of traditional programming is both a virtue and a limitation — while it guarantees consistent results, it also means the software is confined within the boundaries of its initial design, unable to adapt to new or unexpected situations.

AI, in contrast, is a field that embraces adaptability and learns to navigate the unknown and respond to change.

Instead of relying solely on pre-defined rules, AI systems learn patterns and develop rules from the data they process.

Machine learning, a subset of AI, exemplifies this approach, where algorithms are not explicitly programmed but instead are trained on vast datasets to discern patterns, correlations, and behaviors that even human programmers might not fully understand or anticipate.

AI revolves around training. Instead of being explicitly programmed with a fixed set of instructions, AI systems learn from examples and data.

This learning process allows AI systems to evolve over time, adjusting their behavior based on new data and experiences. The result is a system that is far more adaptable and capable of handling complex tasks that traditional programming would find insurmountable.

The logic within traditional programming is static, fixed in place until a human programmer steps in to modify or update it. This rigidity requires considerable time and effort, particularly as systems grow more complex. On the other hand, AI systems embody dynamic learning, autonomously refining their processes without direct human intervention. They continually train on new data or learn from new experiences, making them particularly suited for environments where tasks are constantly evolving, and new challenges emerge. Infact, “Nothing endures but change” as the philosopher Heraclitus would have said.

When it comes to the scope of their application, traditional programming excels in narrowly defined tasks with clear parameters and boundaries. It is like a highly specialized tool, extraordinarily efficient within its designated purpose but often ineffective outside its predefined domain.

AI, however, thrives in the dominion of generalization. It can take what it has learned from one set of examples and apply this knowledge to new, previously unseen situations. This adaptability is invaluable in fields such as image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous control, where flexibility and the ability to handle a wide range of scenarios are crucial.

Furthermore, the difference between traditional programming and AI is starkly evident in how they handle complexity.

Traditional programming is deterministic; it produces a single, expected output for any given input, which works well in stable, controlled environments but often falls short in more dynamic settings.

AI, in contrast, is inherently probabilistic. It doesn’t provide a determined answer but rather a range of possible outcomes based on probabilities.

This approach allows AI to factor in uncertainty and variability, offering a more nuanced way to address complex real-world problems.

However, this flexibility comes with a trade-off: the outcomes of an AI system can vary from one execution to the next.

This variability, while beneficial in adapting to new data or changing conditions, can also lead to inconsistencies, making it challenging to guarantee the same result every time.

Even in handling errors, traditional programming and AI differ significantly. For traditional software, errors are seen as bugs or faults that require immediate correction by human hands, often through painstaking debugging processes. But for AI, errors are part of the learning journey.

When an AI system makes a wrong prediction or misclassification, it doesn’t necessarily require manual correction; instead, it uses these mistakes as feedback, learning from them to improve its future performance. This ability to self-correct and refine over time is one of AI’s most compelling advantages.

The distinction between these two paradigms becomes even more evident when considering the types of problems they are designed to solve.

Traditional programming is perfectly suited for tasks where the rules are well understood and can be explicitly defined, such as mathematical calculations, data processing, or the automation of repetitive tasks.

In contrast, AI shines when faced with complex, poorly defined problems, where patterns are not immediately obvious, or the rules are too intricate for humans to articulate explicitly. Its prowess in recognizing speech, detecting fraudulent activities, or mastering strategic games like chess or Go highlights its superior capacity to tackle challenges that would be insurmountable for traditional programming.

Ultimately, traditional programming and AI represent two fundamentally different approaches to problem-solving. Traditional programming is about defining exactly how a task should be performed, laying out each step with meticulous precision.

AI, on the other hand, is about creating systems that can learn to perform tasks independently, often discovering solutions that would be difficult, if not impossible, to specify through traditional coding. As technology continues to evolve, these two paradigms will likely continue to coexist, each bringing its strengths to the ever-expanding landscape of computational possibilities.

Key Differences Between Traditional Programming and AI:

  1. Rule-Based vs. Data-Driven:
  • Traditional Programming: Relies on explicitly defined rules and instructions set by programmers. The behavior of the software is determined by a series of “if-then” statements and algorithms crafted manually by developers.
  • AI: Learns patterns and rules from data (examples) rather than relying solely on pre-defined instructions. AI systems, particularly those using machine learning, build models by analyzing large amounts of data and adjusting their behavior based on this learning process.

2. Predictability vs. Adaptability:

  • Traditional Programming: Behavior is predictable and deterministic. Given the same input, it will always produce the same output because it follows a fixed set of rules.
  • AI: Behavior can be less predictable and more adaptable. AI systems can evolve and improve over time as they process more data and learn from new experiences, leading to potentially different outputs for the same input as the model is updated.

3. Static Logic vs. Dynamic Learning:

  • Traditional Programming: The logic and rules are static and must be manually updated by a programmer if changes are needed.
  • AI: The system can dynamically learn and adapt its behavior without human intervention by continually training on new data or experiences, making it more suitable for complex and evolving tasks.

4. Task-Specific vs. Generalization:

  • Traditional Programming: Typically designed for specific tasks with well-defined parameters and boundaries. It performs well within its intended scope but struggles outside of it.
  • AI: Has the potential to generalize from examples and apply learned knowledge to new, unseen situations, especially in tasks like image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous control.

5. Deterministic vs. Probabilistic:

  • Traditional Programming: Operates deterministically; for a given input, there is a clear, predefined output.
  • AI: Often involves probabilistic reasoning; it makes predictions or decisions based on the probability of different outcomes, considering uncertainty and variability in data.

6. Defining vs Training:

Traditional Programming: Relies on defining behavior explicitly. Programmers write code that specifies exactly how a task should be performed, with all possible scenarios accounted for through detailed rules and instructions. The software follows these predefined paths rigidly, ensuring consistent and predictable results every time it runs.

AI: Centers around training rather than explicit definition. Instead of being programmed with fixed rules, AI systems learn from data (examples). Through a process of analyzing large datasets, they identify patterns, adjust their internal models, and refine their ability to perform tasks. This enables them to adapt and evolve, learning from new data and experiences without the need for manual updates or reprogramming.

7. Error Handling:

  • Traditional Programming: Errors typically result from bugs in the code or incorrect input, and fixing them requires direct human intervention.
  • AI: Errors (e.g., incorrect classifications or predictions) are part of the learning process. AI systems can learn from their mistakes and improve over time without manual correction.

8. Complexity and Problem Solving:

  • Traditional Programming: Efficient for tasks where rules and logic are well understood, such as calculations, data processing, or automation of repetitive tasks.
  • AI: Better suited for complex, poorly defined problems where patterns and rules are not immediately obvious or are too complex for humans to explicitly define, such as recognizing speech, detecting fraudulent activities, or playing strategic games like chess or Go.

Distinguishing Features

  • Core Approach: Traditional programming relies on explicit instructions; AI uses data-driven models to learn.
  • Development Process: Traditional programming focuses on coding rules; AI involves training models.
  • Flexibility: AI adapts to new data; traditional programs do not unless explicitly modified.
  • Application Scope: Traditional programming is ideal for well-defined tasks; AI excels in dynamic, complex environments.

While traditional programming is about specifying exactly how a task should be performed,

AI is about designing systems that can learn how to perform tasks themselves, often in ways that are difficult or impossible to specify in advance through traditional coding.

Refined General Definition of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a dynamic field within computer science and technology dedicated to creating machines or systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human-like cognitive functions — such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, and understanding natural language.

Unlike traditional software, which follows explicitly programmed rules, AI systems can autonomously learn from data, adapt to new information, and evolve their behavior over time, allowing them to handle complex, nondeterministic environments and tasks that are difficult or impossible to codify in advance.

AI and Traditional Programming: Two Paths, One Destination?

In the end, the divide between traditional programming and AI is not just a matter of different methods or tools; it represents two fundamentally distinct visions of what technology can achieve. Traditional programming is like a meticulously crafted map, where every path is charted, every turn is known, and every destination is planned in advance. It is a world of certainty, where success is defined by how well we can predict and control outcomes.

AI, however, invites us into uncharted territory. It is less a map and more a compass, guiding us through the unknown with the power to adapt, learn, and discover new routes that were never anticipated. It challenges the very idea of what it means to solve a problem or perform a task, not by following predefined steps, but by evolving, growing, and finding its own way.

As we move forward, the future of technology will likely be defined not by one approach or the other, but by how we blend the precision of traditional programming with the adaptive, creative potential of AI.

This is where the true winning strategy lies: in harnessing the best of both worlds to create machines that are not only tools, but partners in innovation, capable of tackling the challenges of tomorrow in ways we cannot yet imagine.



Gianpiero Andrenacci
Data Bistrot

AI & Data Science Solution Manager. Avid reader. Passionate about ML, philosophy, and writing. Ex-BJJ master competitor, national & international titleholder.