When Should You Opt for Bing Chat (Copilot) Instead of Google Search?

Gianpiero Andrenacci
Data Bistrot
Published in
13 min readFeb 1, 2024

Bing Chat (Copilot) vs. Google Search: A Comprehensive Comparison

Bing Chat Copilot

Evolution of Search Engines

The evolution of search engines has been a journey of transformation from rudimentary directories to sophisticated AI-powered assistants. In the early days of the internet, search engines like Archie and Veronica were simple indexers of file names. As the web grew, search engines like Yahoo! adopted a directory approach, categorizing websites into hierarchical listings.

The game changed with the advent of Google in the late 1990s, which introduced a keyword-based search algorithm known as PageRank. This system revolutionized the way information was retrieved, focusing on the relevance and relationships between web pages. Over time, Google’s algorithm became more complex, incorporating hundreds of signals to deliver the most relevant search results.

The latest evolution in search technology is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), with platforms like Bing Chat leveraging machine learning to understand and predict user intent. The introduction of natural language processing (NLP) allows these search engines to comprehend queries in a more human-like manner, providing responses that are not just based on keywords but also on the context and semantics of the search.

Understanding Bing Chat and Google Search

When comparing Bing Chat and Google Search, it’s essential to understand their core functionalities and the technologies that power them. Google Search has long been the dominant player in the search engine market, known for its speed and efficiency in delivering relevant search results. It uses a combination of algorithms, crawlers, and indexing to sift through the vast expanse of the internet.

On the other hand, Bing Chat represents a newer paradigm in search technology. It’s a conversational AI service powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, which allows users to engage in a dialogue with the search engine. This conversational approach enables Bing Chat to handle follow-up questions and maintain a contextual thread throughout the interaction, making it particularly adept at dealing with complex queries.

Both platforms are continuously evolving, with Google also experimenting with AI and machine learning to improve its search capabilities with Bard.

In this article, we aim to compare the traditional Google search method with the new GPT-powered method. We will highlight instances where it is better to use one of them.

Comparing Bing Chat and Google Search

Google Search: Speed and Efficiency

When it comes to speed and efficiency, Google Search has long been the benchmark. Its ability to return a vast array of results within fractions of a second is a testament to the sophisticated algorithms and massive infrastructure that underpin the service. Users have become accustomed to entering a few keywords and instantly receiving a list of relevant websites, images, and videos. This rapid delivery of information is particularly effective for simple queries, where the user’s intent is clear and the answer is readily available in Google’s extensive index.

In contrast, Bing Chat, while not as instantaneous as Google Search, offers a different kind of efficiency. It is designed to process natural language queries, which means users can ask questions in full sentences, as if they were conversing with another person. This conversational interface can be slightly slower, as the system takes time to understand the context and generate a coherent response. However, for users who are not as adept at distilling their needs into keywords, or for those who prefer a more interactive search experience, Bing Chat’s approach can be more efficient in delivering satisfactory results without the need for multiple search attempts.

Bing Chat: Complex Queries and Interactive Context

The true strengths of Bing Chat become apparent when dealing with complex queries. With the integration of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, Bing Chat is equipped with some of the most advanced language models available. These models allow Bing Chat to understand and maintain a conversational context over a series of interactions. This capability is particularly useful when the user’s query involves multiple variables or requires a series of follow-up questions to clarify. For instance, when planning a trip or seeking advice on a nuanced topic, Bing Chat can engage in a back-and-forth dialogue, refining the search based on user feedback.

This conversational ability is a significant departure from the traditional search engine model.

While Google Search can handle certain complex queries by providing a list of potentially relevant links, it lacks the ability to engage in a dialogue. Users may find themselves performing several searches to narrow down the information they need. Bing Chat, on the other hand, can process the user’s intent through large language model (LLM) and provide a more tailored response that builds on the previous interaction. This not only saves time but also creates a more personalized search experience.

In summary, while Google Search excels in delivering quick results for straightforward queries, Bing Chat’s conversational capabilities and advanced AI integration offer a more nuanced and interactive approach for complex searches. Users seeking speed and simplicity may gravitate towards Google, but those in need of depth and dialogue might find Bing Chat to be the superior choice.

When to use Bing Chat

As we have seen, in the realm of search technologies, Bing Chat stands out for its conversational approach to handling interactive and complex queries.

For instance, when planning a road trip in Canada, a user might start with a broad query and then narrow down the search based on specific interests, budget constraints, or travel dates. Bing Chat can guide the user through this process interactively, offering suggestions and refining options in real-time. Similarly, for a user seeking to host a vegetarian dinner party, Bing Chat can not only suggest a 3-course menu but also provide recipes, shopping lists, and even wine pairings upon further requests.

The ability to handle such nuanced interactions is where Bing Chat excels, offering a more tailored and user-friendly experience compared to the more static results of traditional search engines like Google Search. Users benefit from a dynamic conversation that feels more like consulting an expert than sifting through pages of search results.

Other use cases I’ve find Bing Chat much better than traditional google search:

Technical and Specialized Inquiries

Bing Chat shines when addressing technical questions or specialized inquiries. For instance, if a user asks about the hardware resources needed to fine-tune the Mixtral-8x7B Instruct model with their data, Bing Chat can leverage its extensive knowledge base to provide a comprehensive answer. It can outline the necessary computational power, memory requirements, and even suggest best practices for model training.

Market Research for Purchases

Before making a purchase, such as selecting the right bicycle, Bing Chat can serve as an invaluable tool for conducting initial market research. Users can specify their preferences, needs, and constraints, and Bing Chat will guide them through a curated selection of options. This interactive approach helps users identify the type of bicycle that best suits their requirements, whether they’re looking for a road bike, mountain bike, or a hybrid, considering factors like budget, riding style, and performance features.

Engaging with Website Content

Bing Chat can navigate through website content efficiently, answering specific queries about the site’s offerings. For instance, if a user is interested in exploring pages related to artificial intelligence on a particular website or wishes to find out the location and operating hours of a business, Bing Chat can provide precise answers. This capability makes it easier for users to find the information they need without manually combing through the site.

In-depth Information on Cultural Events

When it comes to cultural inquiries, such as seeking detailed information about a musical like “Caino e Abele,” Bing Chat demonstrates its strength in providing comprehensive details. Users can learn about the musical’s themes, its history, and critical reviews, making Bing Chat a valuable resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of a subject. Furthermore, Bing Chat can engage in follow-up questions, offering insights into the screenplay’s author, the work’s underlying messages, and even philosophical discussions prompted by the user’s queries. This level of engagement is akin to having a knowledgeable guide who can provide tailored information based on the user’s interests.

Travel Planning and Recommendations

Bing Chat can help plan trips, offering recommendations for flights, accommodations, and activities based on the user’s preferences, budget, and dates, streamlining the travel planning process.

Cooking and Recipe Suggestions

For those looking to cook something new, Bing Chat can suggest recipes based on the ingredients they have, dietary restrictions, and meal preferences, making meal planning easier.

Entertainment and Media Recommendations

Bing Chat can offer personalized recommendations for movies, TV shows, books, and music based on the user’s interests and past likes, enhancing their entertainment experience.

I Asked Bing Chat to explain his/her conversation style

Certainly! Bing’s Conversation Styles offer distinct ways to engage with the AI chat, tailoring responses to user preferences. They offer different ways to interact with the AI chat.

Here’s a concise overview:

  1. Creative Mode:
  • Purpose: Generates imaginative, detailed answers.
  • Ideal for entertaining responses or creative discussions.
  • UI color: Purple.
  • Example usage: “Tell me a story about unicorns.”

2. Precise Mode:

  • Purpose: Provides short, factual answers.
  • Suitable for direct question-answer scenarios.
  • UI color: Green.
  • Example usage: “What’s the capital of France?”

3. Balanced Mode:

  • Purpose: Combines factual accuracy with engaging responses.
  • Default mode in Bing Chat.
  • UI color: Blue.
  • Example usage: “Explain the theory of relativity.”

To switch styles, you can say:

  • “Switch to Creative/Precise/Balanced.”
  • To revert, say: “Switch back.”

Remember, these styles enhance your interaction experience, so choose the one that best fits your query! 🌟

Transparency and Source Verification in Bing Chat

Bing Chat (like Gooogle Search) is committed to transparency and source verification. When Bing Chat provides information, it often includes links to the sources from which it retrieved the data. This feature is crucial for users who wish to verify the accuracy of the information provided, especially in an era where misinformation can be easily spread.

The importance of this feature cannot be overstated. In an educational context, for example, students and researchers can use these links to trace the origin of the information, ensuring that it comes from a reliable and authoritative source. For users who are skeptical about the reliability of AI-generated responses, this feature provides a layer of trust and accountability.

Moreover, the ability to access sources directly allows users to explore topics in greater depth. For example, a user inquiring about the safety concerns regarding stray dogs in Bucharest (that I’ve asked for a trip in Romania) can delve into the linked article or reports to understand the local government’s measures or the historical context of the issue. This level of detail and the ability to cross-reference information is something that traditional search engines do not typically offer within the search interface itself.

Accuracy and Reliability

When comparing Bing Chat and Google Search, it’s crucial to consider the limitations inherent in their design, particularly in terms of accuracy and reliability. While both platforms are built upon vast databases and sophisticated algorithms, they are not infallible and can sometimes provide outdated, incorrect, or biased information.

Bing Chat, with its integration of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, offers conversational capabilities that can interpret and respond to complex queries. However, this conversational AI is only as reliable as the data it has been trained on and the algorithms that drive its responses. Users should be aware that while Bing Chat can provide a more human-like interaction, it may also reflect the inaccuracies present in its training data or misunderstand the context of a query.

Google Search, on the other hand, excels in quickly retrieving information based on keywords and phrases but may not always discern the user’s intent or provide the depth of information that a conversational AI can. The reliability of Google Search results can also be influenced by SEO practices, where content is optimized to rank higher regardless of its factual accuracy.

To ensure information verification, users should:

— Cross-reference information with multiple reputable sources.

— Check the date of the information to ensure it is current.

— Be critical of the source of the information, especially if it’s not from a well-known or authoritative site.

— Use additional tools or platforms for fact-checking when necessary.

Scope of Knowledge

The scope of knowledge available to both Bing Chat and Google Search is vast but not unlimited. Bing Chat’s responses are generated based on the data it has been trained on, which includes a wide array of internet text, but it may not have access to the most recent data or niche, specialized knowledge that hasn’t been widely published online.

Google Search indexes a significant portion of the internet, but it is limited to what is publicly available and indexed. Some information may be behind paywalls, in private databases, or not available online at all, which means that Google Search cannot retrieve it.

To identify when a query falls outside the scope of these platforms’ knowledge, users should look for:

— Vague or generic responses that do not directly address the query.

— A lack of cited sources or references in Bing Chat’s responses.

— A limited number of search results or results that do not seem relevant to the query in Google Search.

— An inability to answer follow-up questions with specificity or clarity.

In such cases, it may be necessary to consult specialized databases, contact experts directly, or use academic resources to find the required information. It’s important to recognize the strengths and limitations of each tool and choose the one that is most likely to provide accurate and reliable information for the specific need at hand.

Future of Search: AI and Beyond

The Role of AI in Search

The advent of AI-driven search technologies has marked a significant milestone in the evolution of how we interact with information. The integration of artificial intelligence into search engines is not just an incremental improvement but a transformative leap that has redefined the very nature of search. Looking ahead, we can anticipate further advancements in AI that will continue to enhance our search experiences.

One of the most exciting prospects is the development of predictive search capabilities. AI systems could become adept at understanding user intent, even before the user fully articulates a query. This could lead to a more intuitive search experience, where the system anticipates needs based on context, past behavior, and current trends.

Moreover, personalization will reach new heights as AI systems learn to tailor search results more effectively to individual users. However, this will not be without its challenges, as the need for a balance between personalization and privacy will become increasingly critical.

Ethical and Privacy Considerations

The integration of AI into search engines raises significant ethical and privacy concerns. As search technologies become more personalized, they collect and process vast amounts of personal data. This raises questions about how this data is used, who has access to it, and how it is protected.

Data privacy is a paramount concern, as users must trust that their search history and personal information are not being misused or exposed to unauthorized parties. Search engine providers must ensure robust data protection measures are in place, and users should be given clear and concise control over their data.

The ethical implications of AI in search also extend to the accuracy and bias of information. AI systems are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on, and there is a risk of perpetuating misinformation or reinforcing harmful stereotypes if these systems are not carefully designed and monitored.

Furthermore, the transparency of AI algorithms is crucial. Users should have some understanding of how their search results are generated and the factors that influence them. This transparency is essential for building trust and for users to make informed decisions about the information they receive.

In conclusion, the future of search is inextricably linked to the advancement of AI technologies. As we move forward, it is imperative that we navigate the ethical and privacy considerations with care, ensuring that the search tools of tomorrow are not only powerful and intuitive but also responsible and respectful of user rights. The balance between personalization and user privacy will be a defining challenge for the next generation of search engines.


Choosing the Right Tool

In the realm of digital information retrieval, the importance of choosing the right search tool cannot be overstated. Whether it’s a quick fact check or an in-depth research task, the efficiency and effectiveness of the search process hinge on the capabilities of the search service in use. Bing Chat and Google Search represent two sophisticated, yet distinct, approaches to information discovery.

Google Search has long been the go-to service for rapid, keyword-based queries. Its speed and vast index make it an excellent choice for straightforward searches where the user knows precisely what they are looking for. On the other hand, Bing Chat, with its integration of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, excels in handling complex, conversational queries where context and follow-up questions are essential.

When deciding between Bing Chat and Google Search, consider the following key points:

  • Simplicity vs. Complexity: For simple, direct questions, Google’s speed may offer a quicker solution. However, for nuanced or multi-part questions, Bing Chat’s conversational AI can provide a more comprehensive and interactive experience.
  • Follow-up Interactions: If your search is likely to involve follow-up questions or requires building upon previous answers, Bing Chat’s ability to maintain conversational context gives it a distinct advantage.
  • Source Verification: Bing Chat’s transparency in providing source links allows users to easily verify the information, which is crucial for research or when accuracy is paramount.
  • Technical Queries: For specialized or technical inquiries, such as those related to hardware specifications or AI model fine-tuning, Bing Chat’s advanced reasoning capabilities can be particularly beneficial.
  • Planning and Organizational Tasks: Bing Chat’s AI can assist in organizing information and planning events, offering a more tailored and interactive planning process compared to the list of links typically provided by Google Search.

These two tools do not exclude each other

It is important to emphasize that the two tools do not exclude each other but can be used in combination. Typically, when I need to conduct a complex search, I begin with Bing Chat, and once I have found what I consider suitable, I supplement the search with Google to find additional details if necessary.

Or, when I have a quick and straightforward search, I use either Google or Bing search.

In conclusion, the choice between Bing Chat and Google Search should be guided by the nature of the query and the user’s specific needs. While Google Search remains a powerful tool for quick and straightforward information retrieval, Bing Chat’s conversational AI offers a nuanced and interactive approach that can be better suited for complex, detailed, or planning-oriented tasks.

As search technologies continue to evolve, staying informed about their distinct capabilities will empower users to make the most effective choices in their quest for information.

Try Bing Chat here

This article was written with the assistance of AI (ChatGPT — Interactive writer), but the ideas, content, and editing are the fruits of a human mind.



Gianpiero Andrenacci
Data Bistrot

AI & Data Science Solution Manager. Avid reader. Passionate about ML, philosophy, and writing. Ex-BJJ master competitor, national & international titleholder.