This Week in Apps gets a new publication 🚀

Mobile News & Insights
1 min readOct 11, 2020


This Week in Apps has its own publication. Check it out:

A few months ago we started publishing a weekly newsletter with interesting insights from around the mobile world.

With a global lockdown the data was just wild. Some apps were seeing unimaginable increase in downloads while others lost them all, and the Mobile Download Index painted a very clear picture of what’s happening.

We just had to share this with developers who were in the dark, and that’s how This Week in Apps was born.

By the way, This Week in Apps is 100% free.

Fast forward 30 issues — that’s right, 30 weeks of insights 🎉 — and This Week in Apps is now ready by more than 45,000 subscribers all around the world, including some of the most popular app makers and investors.

We know that there’s a ton of content out there, especially these days, so we’re making This Week in Apps available in a few ways:

  1. On the official Appfigures Resource Hub
  2. A weekly newsletter
  3. A dedicated Medium publication 👉 This one’s new!

We’ve gotten countless thank-you emails from subscribers who share the newsletter with their friends and teams, and have helped so many get visibility into trends that could turn into great opportunities.

Needless to say, if you haven’t already, subscribe to the newsletter or follow the new publication to

Our next milestone is 100. How should we celebrate that? 🤔



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