Alignment to Business Outcomes & The Village enabling them

Krish Injati
Data Cloud Architecture
4 min readAug 14, 2024

Data, in its many manifestations, is at the heart of Decision Intelligence Experience. In the ever-evolving world of data-driven outcomes and continuous decision improvement processes, the three elements below remain constant in guiding stakeholders to optimize business outcomes and transform their business strategy.

What happened? Why it happened? How can we improve?

Let’s examine the anatomy of a business outcome with an example:

Outcome Anatomy: A situational driver in enterprise focus areas warranting an action that can be measured and optimized across a time interval

Example: Company ABC is a services provider. ABC’s datacenter consumes a x% percentage of its annual budget. Upon assessment, ABC’s datacenter legacy data technology can no longer cope with stakeholder demand and outages had a negative financial impact of y% over the last year. ABC’s Technology organization in partnership with Business decided to modernize its ecosystem by conducting a cloud migration and transitioning its data center’s assets to a cloud-native Data | AI Platform Provider over K period, creating an N-year cost reduction of L %, increase of M% in revenue and N% in business agility.

Business Strategy is a composite of such data-driven outcomes that an Enterprise applies and executes across Fiscal, Client, Product, Risk, and Internal Performance areas.

We all have heard the phrases.. “Data Strategy is a component of Business Strategy” “There is no AI Strategy without a Data Strategy” since actions speak louder than words and to keep pace with stakeholder demand and help execute Business Strategy and Transformation → Enterprises, Data Community and Data Tech Enablers have taken significant steps in investing and uplifting the maturity curve in areas of Operating Models, Capabilities and Solutions:

  1. Executive Boards have blessed the instantiation of Data | Tech & AI Offices and chartered them with executing Business Strategy.
  2. Data Community has been influential in contributing to the open-source thought leadership around operations and maturity framework
  3. Innovation and Differentiation has led Data Capability Technology enablers natively embed AI and Automation within holistic data management discipline and data product delivery framework

To tie everything together and will the decision making experience into reality below Strategic Execution and Measurement Vehicles should be prioritized, defined and activated.

Data, Tech & AI Village enabling Business Outcomes Economy

Strategic Execution Vehicles are a combination of an inner core composed of Enterprise Data | AI Capabilities, Solutions, and Stakeholder Experiences supported by an outer core of enterprise talent pool and operational processes built on Collaboration.

Measurement Vehicles are the proof points that quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the progress of Strategic Execution Vehicles across multiple dimensions and guide the growth trajectory.

The ability to enable quality stakeholder experience in making impactful decisions for their business and enriching the associated attributes of Trust, Reliability, and Timeliness in the decision-making process is the cornerstone of the Data Cloud Architecture Framework’s mission. We highly recommend the data community align with this endgame, as our collective purpose lies in empowering our stakeholders with the right capabilities and solutions to yield better business outcomes.

Getting Started — Start Small but Think Big:

  • Start with understanding your Business → It’s critical to understand the connectivity and generation of corporate revenue streams
  • Double down on stakeholder collaboration and relationships, narrow in on Value and Risk →How and where can Data and AI move the needle for Business?
  • In parallel — assess, value, and benchmark your Data & AI Capability Portfolio readiness → Catalog, categorize and map the capability areas to business alignment, transformation, keep the lights on, retirement, and gaps
  • Prioritize, market and sell the opportunities →Attach a business case in scaling and selling the initiatives, articulate current vs. transition vs. future state of the outcomes journey and the value proposition for the stakeholders. A collection of these opportunities builds a backlog and and an informed roadmap which is imperative for strategic planning
  • Design, Build, Iterate, and Deliver your solutions → Leverage the power of platforms, talent pool, and live feedback
  • Build Trust → Grow Muscle → Flex

Data Cloud Architecture Team is committed to helping clients and prospects globally, if you are intrigued and want to engage further, let’s connect on how we can align your Data, Tech & AI Office’s strategic execution of your business priorities in bringing assets to life while balancing your capability maturity.

What’s Ahead:

Subsequent posts will dive deeper into the outcomes economy, data capability maturity, and how we bring real-life assets and business outcomes to life.



Krish Injati
Data Cloud Architecture

Data & Technology Executive, Heading up Snowflake's Data Cloud Architecture Practice for Retail & CPG | Ad, Media & Entertainment | Wealth Management Industries