Apache Zeppelin: Hive interpreter with user impersonation

Saravanan Elumalai
Data Collective
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2018
Zeppelin + Hive

Apache Zeppelin is a web-based notebook platform that enables interactive data analytics with interactive data visualizations and notebook sharing.

We can integrate Hive using JDBC Interpreter. Following hive configuration and paths are from Cloudera setup but the same should be applicable for any other Hadoop distributions.

Interpreter Configuration

Go to the Interpreter screen and click +Create to create a new interpreter

Interpreter Name: hive
Interpreter group: jdbc

Change the following properties

default.driver  org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
default.url jdbc:hive2://hive_host:10000/



(or) copy the jars from node itself

cp /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hadoop/client/*.jar /zeppelin/path/interpreter/jdbc/
cp /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/jars/hive-jdbc-* /zeppelin/path/interpreter/jdbc/

Configure HADOOP_HOME and HADOOP_CONF_DIR in zeppelin-env.sh

Kerberos Configuration

If the cluster is kerberized add the following properties for hive interpreter

default.url jdbc:hive2://hive_host:10000/;principal=hive/_HOST@DOMAIN
zeppelin.jdbc.auth.type KERBEROS
zeppelin.jdbc.keytab.location /path/to/keytab zeppelin.jdbc.principal principal_name

User Impersonation

User impersonation is must for authorizing users to run queries based on Sentry rules. To enable user impersonation add the user who can impersonate other users in hadoop.proxyuser.hive.groups. For Cloudera setup Hue user can be used.

Proxy user configuration in Cloudera Manager

Add the following properties for hive interpreter

zeppelin.jdbc.auth.kerberos.proxy.enable true
default.proxy.user.property hive.server2.proxy.user


In the latest zeppelin version we can use the Z context variables in SQL query like

select * from patents_list where priority_country = ‘{country_code}’

To enable it add the following property

zeppelin.jdbc.interpolation true

Thank you for reading!

For any questions contact me @limesaltsoda

