Data Convergence — Blockchain — Applications/Usecases

Use cases varies from healthcare to real estate, government, law enforcement, retail, education, and real estate, numerous industries/Usecases for future Blockchain revolution.


Less Transaction Costs

Every transaction today needs a third party intermediaries for managing the transactions , so with the technology advancement there is less dependence on third party transactions

Banking Operations Made simple

Blockchain is immutable, transparent, secured, audit, decentralized and With tamper proof digital ledgers banking day to day operations including record keeping is made simple

Fast Payment Processing

Today international remittances payment processing gets delayed because many dependencies. But with blockchain technology real time gross settlement can be done quickly and real time saving lot of time and fast payment processing


Hassle free Claims Processing through automation

One of the main concern in the insurance sector is transparency of the data insured . So with automation techniques using IoT & AI & Blockchain data transparency can be obtained making the trust factor among customers

Blockchain Based Policies

Todays policies has more manual complex paper work and customers are onto digital world and need fair and simple process and payouts should be made easy , so blockchain smart contract based policies should be made enabled

Fraud detection and Prevention

Because of impostors there are lot fraudulent activities and wrong claims so loss to the insurance companies, if we have a blockchain based identity management system to validate claims benefit to insurance company


Track and Trace of Patient Management

The current system lacks digital patient history storing and tracing when required by the physicians , Blockchain based technology solutoins provide healthcare to collect, track and trace the patient history

Payments made simple

Payments authorization process in health care industry have complex systems , with blockchain the complex transactions can have pre authoized payments

Innovation in Clinical Data Research

Clinical trails is a cumbersome process for research professionals, blockchain ensures secure exchange of data for better improvement in healthcare

Real Estate

Blokchain based Property Ownership

Real estate is in the process of digitlizaing the property owernship , Blockchain based smart contracts will have lesser paperwork, cost and hassels and ownership becomes more transparent and secure

No Middlemen

Middlemen is widely prevelant in real estate and with blockchain middlmen can be eliminate and make records transparent with time stamp , more secured

Avoid Fraudulent Public Ledger records

Avoid adding fraudulent records to ledger with the help of blockchain and decentralized technology


No Corruption

In Central and State Government corruption is widely prevalent and there is no proper mechanism to check , Blockchain technology can eliminate intermediaries and ensure transparency

Identity Management,

All the government services require citizen identity , with digital identity process they can make voting, sercices, payments transparent

Smarter Cities

Cities can be made smart with the help of Internet of Things, Artificial technology, Blockchain technology the data convergence



Digital Transformation & Industry 4.0
Digital Transformation — Data Convergence

One stop shop information on IoT, AI,Blockchain, ARVR and Quantum the most in demand emerging technologies in 2020