A Week of Distra… *be right back*

This week I discovered how ADHD I actually am, but in a good way. I even forgot to record a whole day of distractions from (ironically) being distracted.

Jamie Kwan
Data Doodles
2 min readFeb 26, 2018


Wow, I get distracted a lot. The digital rabbit-hole that is social media is definitely real.

Browsing Twitter and Facebook at the office essentially caused a domino effect of small distractions leading into a massive distraction of finding new articles, reading about trends, and diving into things I was curious about. This was all away from the task I was supposed to be doing, but ended up leading towards new ideas in work I was going to be doing later on. I did get a lot of work done. Just… not for what I was supposed to be doing at that moment!

This week really was an exercise into mindfulness and productivity.

I openly acknowledge the benefits of spontaneous inspiration, especially in a creative position, however it’s really this challenge of catching yourself before you go too deep, and managing this spontaneous distraction.

I’ve never felt so productive, and unproductive, simultaneously.



Jamie Kwan
Data Doodles

Experience Designer & Strategist || Formerly @Gensler_Designs @ForrecDesigns || Big believer in designing with #play 🚀💥