A Week of Energy

Mapping every coffee (or hot drink) I had, against my motivations behind said warmed-liquid.

Jamie Kwan
Data Doodles
2 min readFeb 20, 2018


Week 1: Data Doodles.
It’s the Monday back from the New Years break from the office. Jamie and Zeynep are sitting at their desks, across from each other, chit-chatting about a new creative endeavour — and finally embarking on a year-long project that they had been contemplating over for all of 2017. This was how they were starting 2018.

Jamie: “Oh my god. Zeynep, we need to pick a theme. Our very first theme. What do we do?? We can’t start off 2018 with a year-long project and literally screw up on the very first week.

Jamie & Zeynep simultaneously take a sip out of their morning coffees.

Zeynep: *[insert lightbulb emoji]*

Week 1 started off light. Zeynep had the brilliant last-minute idea to track our coffees for the week and, needless to say, it kept us from screwing this entire project on the very first day!

It was a week of testing new ways of recording our data, identifying trends and adjusting our methodologies, and dreading how I will actually be able to do this for an entire year.

But it worked out. I started to record every time I had a cup of coffee, and why; this turned into an exercise in pairing hot drinks and my motivations, and why I would have literally 3 cups of tea in one sitting. It was a discovery of the links between social interaction, routine, and just how badly I sleep.



Jamie Kwan
Data Doodles

Experience Designer & Strategist || Formerly @Gensler_Designs @ForrecDesigns || Big believer in designing with #play 🚀💥