DecentraLand Clone Script — The Meta World You Desire On The Decentralized Networks

5 min readAug 24, 2022
DecentraLand Clone Script

Virtual Games are evolving into a new normal where gamers will have their gaming flow. In the Virtual world, they can do pretty much anything that we can do in the realistic world. Virtual simulation-based NFT marketplaces have begun earning more attention from the gaming community and investors in current times.

NFT — (Non-fungible token)

Non Fungible Tokens are Unique tokens, they can tamper with divided or equivalent. Since every token is unique and varies from others. It will need a different marketplace to create its commercial. Those are called NFT Marketplaces. Every NFT token is built on a blockchain network that creates it more secure in every element.


Decentraland is a virtual reality platform that is built on the Ethereum blockchain network. The participants can purchase assets here and claim their ownership with NFT. This platform delivers the users the liberty of partaking in the real world via virtual simulation.

Currently, Decentraland’s Virtual Plots have been sold for above 1,295,000 MANA- Decentraland’s cryptocurrency is 910,00$. This has set a unique way for virtual real estate; claiming ownership of the land will no longer be a problem as NFT arrives into action. People’s interaction will also improve immensely.

Virtual world and NFT

Decentraland like NFT Marketplace is limited. The concept of monetizing from the virtual world appears to be funny but Owning these NFT marketplaces are people who can predict the future of the Financial structures. Virtual worlds permit the privilege of making your own avatar, own assets like clothings, dresses, owning virtual lands, and more. And these assets can be purchased for sales by transforming them into NFT and selling them in marketplaces.

Native Tokens of Decentraland


  • The native currency of Decentraland — MANA
  • All trades of the platform supported only MANA Token
  • The holders of MANA have a right to partake in voting
  • MANA is transformed into Wrapped MANA (WMANA) in voting
  • LAND can be bought with MANA


  • LAND is the non-fungible token that defines the land parcel
  • LAND Token also sustains voting
  • Like MANA no necessity for wrapping in voting

Decentraland Clone Script

Decentraland Clone Script is a 3D Virtual world working similar to Decentraland. That permits users to buy and sell virtual land, estates, and avatars. In other words, Decentraland Clone is an operational replica of the Decentraland Virtual Reality Platform showing its core functionalities creating the prime use of blockchain as its functional framework.

Decentraland Clone Script performs its functionalities by creating use of an ERC721 powered token offering fractional proprietorship to participants who are named land owners in the Decentraland Clone script’s ecosphere.

Decentraland Clone Script is a fully white label NFT Virtual Reality Marketplace Script, that assists to develop an NFT-based fully decentralized Metaverse platform like Decentraland that is built on the Ethereum blockchain.

In Decentraland like the VR platform users can create, trade, and monetize their virtual assets, lands, applications, or contents. The process of Decentraland clone development covers the creation of native token development like MANA. The token will provide complete authority over the environments of the Virtual arena. The user of the Decentraland-like platform who wants to get enter the VR marketplace with the token can access anything that varies from static 3D virtual places to interactive games.

Features incorporated in Decentraland Clone Script

Decentraland Clone Script is developed with a Marketplace where anyone can trade and handle all their decentraland on-chain assets. Let’s see the features of this Decentraland like Marketplace:


Users can select their own cost in MANA and expiration date for all their offers.


Players can purchase parcels, estates, names, and wearables.


Permits users to transmit decentraland assets with other users.


With this Explore feature, you can analyze the virtual world via map to know who owns the land, avatar names, and wearables.


Enables to create or dissolve estates.


Grant approvals for others to deploy on your LAND


You can name your parcels and estates with depictions.

How does the Decentraland clone script work?

The Platform created by the decentraland clone script performs the same as decentraland.

For the Trader’s View

  • Firstly, one requires to create an account
  • Load the crypto wallet with MANA
  • Other than trading, the user requires to be active in games and other actions
  • One can purchase tokens like LAND with MANA
  • The LAND holder can monetize their NFT if they desire to

For creators view

  • At first, creators need to create an account
  • Next, Filled up the wallet with MANA Token
  • Create Scenes, and Artwork with cutting-edge SDT
  • Create it as NFT
  • Trade NFTs

Architecture Design for Decentraland Clone Script

The Architecture Design for Decentraland clone includes five primary sets that account for the prolonged run of the platform.

Consensus Layer

This layer incorporates the content concerning the LAND ownership and records.

Land Content Layer

This layer facilitates the download of assets via the Decentralized Distributed system for future usage of LAND Tokens.

Real-time Layer

The real-time layer lets the user to get interacted with others, and the referenced data on gaining access to the consensus and land content layer is created available in third-party referencing sites like the bit torrent.

Payment Channels

Payment channels impact the in-world purchases and incentivize the payment ways and the content quality of the P2P Servers.

Identity Systems

Identity systems are the credentials of the participants to impact the ownership of land. This allows users to create efficacious content and get access to the private keys alongside contributing to the decentralized Economies.

How to build an NFT marketplace like Decentraland?

Building an NFT marketplace like Decentraland needs other concerns since it completely relies on the virtual world. To Build one

Step 1: Build a VR world/game environment

You will need a robust idea and ingenious perspective to pass this step. It would assist if you exhibited differences to people to select your NFT marketplace.

Step 2: Creating an NFT marketplace

Creating an NFT marketplace implicates -

  • Making a stable and more explicit User Interface
  • Preferring a Blockchain
  • Integrating Wallets

To complete this phase, you will require to be a full-stack developer or require a developer team.

Step 3: Fixing Storage platforms

There are several storage platforms like IPFS to hold and retrieve the data more reliably.

Decentraland DAO

Decentraland has a Decentralized Autonomous Organization that contains significant smart contracts and assets that comprise the LAND & Estate contracts, wearables, content servers, and the Marketplace. Decentralized DAO is dependent on the MANA for its strengthened functions enabling various stimuli to the users of the platform.


Have an idea to develop an NFT Marketplace like Decentraland, you will require comprehensive technical support. There are several development enterprises in reality. You require to see the best one. Building a Virtual environment is the first essential thing to creating the best NFT Marketplace.

Zodeak — a top-notch NFT Marketplace Development Company develops the highly effective Decentraland Clone Script to virtually contribute to the Cryptopreneurs. Zodeak creates your own NFT Marketplace with an expansive range of utility to Tokens and makes an open-source vulnerability to both Fungible along with Non-Fungible Tokens and satisfies the Infinite benefits exclusively via the Ethereum Blockchain Network Architecture.




I’ve been exploring and helping people to figure various aspects for one to build an empire based on the blockchain technology and crypto.