How TimeXtender Bridges the Data Team Divide: Data Movers vs Data Users

From chaos to clarity.

Diksha Upadhyay
Data Empowerment
9 min readAug 15, 2023


Scroll to the bottom for a summary.

It’s like a gripping TV series, only it’s happening right here in your office, and instead of popcorn, there’s heaps of data. The classic age-old drama of data movers versus data users .

On one side, there are the data movers, the tech whizzes who live and breathe algorithms, who can make sense of strings of numbers in their sleep. Their job is to move and shape data, to get it from A to B, transforming it into a form that’s usable.

On the other side, you’ve got the data users. They’re the ones who need to make sense of all that data, extract insights, and use it to drive decision-making in the business. The hitch? Often these two groups speak different languages. They’re like two teams playing the same game, but using different rules. They are both up against the modern data stack, a patchwork monster of disconnected applications, tools, and systems.

Source: Hacker Noon
This figure can be understood as a progression. Data movers are making data accessible and organized, while data users are turning that data into knowledge and intelligence. The two broad roles are intertwined, relying on each other to fulfill the complete hierarchy.

As businesses are increasingly fueled by data, not having a common data language is a constant struggle within the data teams. Both, data movers and data users often find themselves at odds due to disparate interpretations of the same dataset. This lack of common understanding leads to inconsistent insights and compromises data integrity.

Out of 97% of organizations that invest in data initiatives, only 26.5% report having successfully created a data-driven organization.


The modern data landscape, fraught with its data stack complications, calls for a transformational solution that reconciles the different needs of data movers and data users. While the two groups might seem to exist in separate galaxies, their ultimate goals align at the center of business strategy and objectives. The key to bridging this divide and navigating through the maze of disconnected tools is to adopt a holistic approach to data integration, one that embraces the entirety of the business vision and knits together the fragmented parts of the modern data stack.

Implementing such an approach means reimagining data integration not as a mechanical sequence of steps, but as a strategic effort that facilitates comprehensive access to, and utilization of, data. This requires a unified metadata framework — a central nervous system of the data integration process. It creates a structural flow of information that aids understanding and fosters enhanced collaboration among all members of the team.

Organizations across all verticals struggle to manage and access all the data they control. Nearly three-quarters of data never get used or analyzed.

The decentralized state of data management often leads to numerous data silos, creating gaps in the implementation of a “data-driven” approach, leaving data movers and data users without shared or standardized definitions.

Two concepts that can change this reality — Metadata Management and Semantic Layers. While Metadata Management brings order to data, Semantic Layers make it accessible and understandable.


Metadata, often referred to as ‘data about data’, plays a pivotal role in bringing order to the chaos of disparate data sources, formats, and systems. It helps to clarify the context, origins, and relationships of data, acting as a roadmap that guides you through the massive maze of information within your organization.

It is often stored in a metadata repository, which is essentially a database for metadata. The data stored in a metadata repository can come from manual entry or can be generated automatically. The risks of poor metadata management can lead to data misinterpretation, non-compliance, data breaches, loss of data integrity to name a few.

Having three primary types (descriptive, structural, and administrative), metadata automates and streamlines various data processes. It provides semantic consistency that defines relationships and classifications among data elements. This becomes crucial for interoperability and integration within systems. Metadata also gives us data lineage to trace the lifecycle of data elements — critical for root cause analysis, impact analysis and regulatory compliance. For instance, data integration tools can use metadata to automatically map data from one system to another, eliminating the need for manual coding. Similarly, data quality tools can use metadata to validate data and flag inconsistencies.

While tools like Talend and Azure Purview include metadata management in their suites, offering data lineage, cloud-based data governance, automated data discovery, TimeXtender incorporates metadata across all data sources, creating a unified framework. It creates an intricate network of signposts, giving data movers and data users alike a clear path to follow while transforming raw data into valuable insights.


I’m all in for semantic layers…. without them i fear we’ll always have the problem of “15 different ways of calculating the same KPI”

The semantic layer is as an abstraction layer that sits between the user and the data source. It transforms the complex and often cryptic data structures (joins, SQL expressions, etc.) into simple, uniform business terminology (sales, revenue, customer, etc.).

Under the hood, this means when a user generates a query, they can do so by using the business language while the semantic layer converts it into a format that the database understands, retrieves and presents it back to the user in a consumable format. Without the semantic layers, there’s a lack of a unified view that could lead to data inconsistencies. Without proper abstraction, sensitive data may be exposed to unauthorized users, imposing security risks. Not to forget, without them, there is increased complexity for users and performance issues throughout the data pipeline.

This translates to great accessibility within the data teams, but not limited to just that. Using semantic layers ensures that all users are basing their analysis and decisions on the same definitions, promoting a “single version of truth”, resulting to company wide consistency (at least, in terms of data). With that, they reduce the workload of data teams by minimizing the need for manual and/or repetitive coding, allows reusable data models, help with ad-hoc data preparation and also serve users to create their own reports/dashboards.

TimeXtender, with its shared semantic layers, complements tools like PowerBI, Tableau, Qlik Sense in the following ways -

  • Microsoft Power BI
    Flexibility in Data Modeling: TimeXtender offers an additional layer of flexibility in data modeling, allowing for more complex models that may not be natively supported in Power BI.
    Cross-Platform Consistency: When using Power BI in conjunction with other BI tools, TimeXtender ensures that the same data model is consistently applied across platforms.
  • Tableau
    Performance Optimization: TimeXtender can optimize the performance of data retrieval for Tableau by implementing caching and indexing strategies in the semantic layer.
    Enhanced Data Governance: TimeXtender enables better data governance within Tableau by applying consistent data quality rules and security policies through the semantic layer.
  • Qlik Sense
    Data Abstraction: TimeXtender’s semantic layer can abstract the complexities of underlying data sources, making it easier for Qlik users to focus on analysis and insights.
    Associative Data Modeling: TimeXtender can complement Qlik’s associative data engine by providing a more structured and business-friendly data model.

Shared semantic layers ensure that your data is not only technically sound but also business-ready.


Success in the realm of data isn’t solely about effective management and use. It’s about making data work for you, your team, and your organization’s overall objectives . How do you know your data team has succeeded and that you’ve succeeded in your role? The answer lies in how well you’re able to bridge the gap within the team and put an end to the modern data stack.

Consider a typical scenario of a mid-sized e-commerce company experiencing rapid growth. The data team is composed of skilled data movers, tasked with collecting and processing enormous volumes of data, and savvy data users, who churn this data into insights to drive the company’s growth strategy.

The trouble is, data is everywhere. The team is wrestling with diverse data sources, varying formats, and different tools. Data silos are popping up, and the data movers are spending an inordinate amount of time manually curating data. The data users, on the other hand, are struggling with interpreting this data and ensuring consistency across reports. The lack of a single version of truth is leading to costly misinterpretations and missed opportunities.

Now, introduce TimeXtender into this scenario.

To begin with, automated data management (or, data automation) empowers the data movers, freeing them from manual data processing. This is not just about making their jobs easier — it’s about enabling them to shift their focus to tasks that generate more value for the business, such as creating more robust and dynamic data models.

Meanwhile, the data users find themselves working with a simplified, business-friendly semantic layer. No longer do they need to decipher cryptic database structures — they can now work with data in terms they understand and generate insights more efficiently.

But TimeXtender isn’t just about easing the tasks of data movers and data users. It’s about enabling them, it’s about aligning the data strategy with the business vision. With automated documentation, you can ensure regulatory compliance, reducing the risk of costly fines and reputational damage. With a single version of truth, you can foster data confidence across the organization, and promote data-driven decision-making.

The result? A previously divided data team is now working in sync, and the organization is leveraging data like never before. The data team is more productive, the organization is more compliant, and the ability to extract meaningful insights from data is significantly improved. All this, without the complexities of the dreaded modern data stack.

When you view data as a strategic asset, when your data movers and users work together using a unified data integration solution, and when the modern data stack is a thing of the past, you know that your team and you have succeeded. TimeXtender is here to help you make that happen, bridging the data divide and transforming data chaos into business insights.


Start your Free Plan today! Unify your data stack, automate data integration, and build data solutions 10x faster.

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  • Data teams comprise of data movers, who deal with collecting, moving and shaping data, and data users, who analyze and extract insights from this data. The two groups often lack a common language, leading to misinterpretations and inconsistency.
  • Businesses are grappling with the modern data stack, a complex network of applications, tools, and systems, also known as the modern data stack.
  • A holistic approach to data integration is needed, bridging the divide between data movers and users, facilitating data access and usage. This includes creating a unified metadata framework that allows for a smoother flow of information and collaboration.
  • Metadata management is crucial in organizing and understanding data, acting as a roadmap in the data maze.
  • Semantic layers serve as an interface between the user and data source, simplifying complex data structures into uniform business terminology. This promotes consistency, efficiency, self-service BI and data governance.
  • TimeXtender is a solution that bridges the gap within data teams, allowing them to focus on value-adding tasks, streamlines data processes and aligns data strategy with business vision.
  • The use of TimeXtender expands to data automation, shared semantic layers, automated documentation for regulatory compliance, and fostering data confidence with a single version of truth.
  • The ultimate goal is to view data as a strategic asset and transform data chaos into business insights.



Diksha Upadhyay
Data Empowerment

Part Engineer, Part Marketer • All things product, memes, blues, health, dogs.