Unveiling the Art of Feature Engineering: How to Transform Raw Data into Insights.

Yahaya Onagie
Data Epic
Published in
4 min readDec 12, 2023

In the world today, where data drives the majority of activities, the abundance of raw data has become the new norm. But the real value lies not in the massive volume of data but in the insights that can be revealed. A step or method used in bridging the gap between raw data and actionable insights is feature engineering. In Data Science, this process plays a pivotal role in refining and transforming raw unstructured data into meaningful structured features.

The Role of Feature Engineering

Feature Engineering is an art as much as it is a science, it encompasses the processes of selecting, extracting, and transforming raw data attributes into a set of relevant features that capture essential information for model learning. A well-engineered feature set can simplify the learning process, reduce computational complexity, and enhance model generalization. By extracting meaningful patterns and relationships from the data. Feature engineering is an iterative process that requires domain expertise, creativity, and a deep understanding of the data and the problem at hand. It is not a one-size-fits-all approach, as the specific techniques and strategies employed will vary depending on the nature of the data, the machine-learning task, and the desired outcome.

Role of Featuring Engineering in Transforming Raw Data

  1. Data Cleaning: Before delving into feature engineering, data cleaning is a crucial step. Handling missing values, treating outliers, and dealing with inconsistent data are vital for ensuring the quality and reliability of the feature set.
  2. Feature Selection: From the abundance of available features, feature selection involves identifying the most relevant and informative ones. This process helps eliminate redundant or irrelevant features, reducing noise and improving model performance.
  3. Encoding Categorical Variables: Machine learning algorithms often require numerical data. Therefore, categorical variables must be encoded into.
  4. Handling Numerical Variables: Scaling numerical features to a similar range or normalizing them can improve model convergence and prevent certain features from dominating the learning process.
  5. Time-Based Features: In time-series data, creating time-based features, such as day of the week, month, or season, can capture the inherent periodic patterns and boost forecasting accuracy.
  6. Polynomial Features: Introducing polynomial features, such as squared or interaction terms, can capture nonlinear relationships between variables, allowing models to learn more complex patterns.

Feature Engineering Techniques

Comprehending the training data and the specific problem at hand remains an essential aspect of Feature Engineering in data science and machine learning. There are no rigid guidelines on how to accomplish this task. However, certain feature engineering techniques in this field are imperative knowledge for all data scientists.

1. Missing Value Handling:

· Impute missing values using mean, median, or mode imputation techniques.

· Create binary indicators for missing values (1 if missing, 0 otherwise).

· Use more advanced imputation techniques like k-nearest neighbours or regression imputation.

2. Categorical Data Encoding:

· Convert categorical variables into numerical representations, common methods include one-hot encoding or target encoding.

3. Datetime Features:

· Extract relevant information from date-time variables such as year, month, day, day of the week, or time of day. This can be useful for time series analysis or other temporal pattern applications.

4. Text Data Processing:

· Extract features from text data using techniques like TF-IDF (Term Frequency-inverse Document Frequency) or word embeddings.

· Create features based on text length, word count, or the presence of specific keywords.

5. Feature Scaling:

· Standardize or normalize numerical features to ensure they are on a similar scale. This is important for algorithms sensitive to feature magnitudes, such as support vector machines or k-means clustering.

6. Domain-Specific Features:

· Create new features based on domain knowledge. For example, in retail, you might create features like discounts, profit margins, or customer purchase history metrics.

7. Handling Outliers: The various methods of handling outliers include:

· Removal: The records containing outliers are removed from the distributional. However, the presence of outliers over multiple variables could result in losing out on a large portion of the datasheet with this method.

· Replacing Values: The outliers could alternatively be treated as missing values and replaced by using appropriate imputation.

· Capping: Capping the maximum and minimum values and replacing them with an arbitrary value from a variable distribution.

8. Feature Creation:

· Feature creation involves deriving new features from existing ones. This can be done by simple mathematical operations such as aggregations to obtain the mean, median, mode, sum, or difference and even product of two values. Although derived directly from the given input data, these features can impact the performance when carefully chosen to relate to the target.

Feature engineering serves as a vital link connecting raw data to actionable insights. Its importance cannot be emphasized enough, given its substantial impact on the effectiveness and interpretive capability of machine learning models. A skillfully executed feature engineering procedure can reveal concealed patterns and correlations within datasets, thereby enabling data scientists and analysts to extract valuable insights and arrive at well-informed decisions.


· https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/feature-engineering-unveiling-art-data-transformation-machine/

· https://medium.com/@evertongomede/the-art-of-feature-engineering-unraveling-the-essence-of-data-9cba7b61502f

· https://www.projectpro.io/article/8-feature-engineering-techniques-for-machine-learning/423

