My opinion about the future — Artificial Intelligence

Sammy Deprez
Data Fish
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2017

Lately you can find a lot of article online and in news papers that are talking about the dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
How robots will be taking over the world and could destroy humanity… In this article I would like to share my opinion about this.

AI is a booming business, too my opinion it has never been so accessible to companies as now. But is that a good thing?

The Good: Just think about all the possibilities? Robots will be able to learn new things just by seeing something? They will be able to show and interact with human emotions.
Companies will be able to deliver the best customer services ever. The moment you call or chat with them, you will get interaction. Not “Your call is important to us, so please stay on hold …” but someone (a chat-bot) that will interact with you immediately.
What about healthcare: Already for a long time scientists use data science techniques to find algorithms in medical data. This way they have found many cures for diseases. Imagine your toilet can tell you what is going on with you?

Everyone gets a personal assistant

Everyone gets a personal assistant, Microsoft has Cortana, Amazon has Alexa, Apple has Siri and Google has Google Assistant. These virtual assistants can help you already a lot, but in the future all our devices will be linked to it. That way for example your weighing scale could see you gained some weight and could tell your personal Robot Chef to cook some healthier meals and increase the resistance on your home-trainer, …

We can’t deny neither that driver-less cars are not for the far future anymore, many car manufacturers have developed some interesting things. Safety on the road will increase a lot, jams will be history and emission levels will lower.

The Bad: The number of possibilities are immense. But….. how long will it take for technology to take over all our jobs? Will people who have repetitive jobs still find jobs? We all know that this negative part of the future is already happening.
A simple example, not so long ago a number of banks planned to close down a bunch of branches to save money because people do not visit their bankers so often anymore, everything is done online or at the ATM. Conclusion people got fired.
What about taxi and truck drivers. Regularization on their jobs are heavy, they are only allowed to drive so many hours, …. In the States Uber has started its first project with driver-less taxi. Its only waiting until the first driver-less taxi companies will start to pop-up. Their fees will be way lower than the ordinary taxi-driver. In our Western world pricing of employees is the top cost for employers.

My conclusion:
I still see it bright, and am really looking forward to what the future will bring us. How it will change our life in the bad and the good. But I can imagine many people who are afraid, because technology is taking over our life. We are all connected with our smartphones and can’t leave the house without it. Especially to our younger ones, I can only recommend them to start studying topics that can not be easily overtaken by a machine.

Much, much, much … respect for all those taxi drivers, truck drivers, cashiers, call-center operators, receptionist, …. They do all great jobs and we can’t live without them, but keep in mind that your job is endangered by technology. Off course many more jobs even my own are endangered. We are not living like some years ago where you could start working in a factory after school and leave when you are retiring. and data are part of our live..

We are living in a time where technology and data are part of our live and that we need to keep on learning new things to be able to keep up with life.

This is my though on it, the purpose of this article was to share my opinion and not to scare or hurt people.

