Research Papers on Recommendation Systems That You Should Read

Data Folks Indonesia
3 min readOct 3, 2021
Photo by Mike from Pexels

These are some research papers that I read when I building recommendation system. Recommendation system is generally divided into two groups, explicit feedback and implicit feedback. Explicit feedback is generally found in the rating system when the user give rating items in a scale 1–5 such as movie rating, food rating, restaurant rating, etc. On the other hand, implicit feedback is found in the interaction system such as item transaction, popup notification, etc. Implicit feedback is more challenging for me, because the users or customers didn’t buy the items is simply because they do not need it or do not know if the item exists.

Here are the lists of research papers that may help you to implement or researching on recommendation system.

Neural Collaborative Filtering

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In recent years, deep neural networks have yielded immense success on speech recognition, computer vision and natural language processing. However, the exploration of deep neural networks on recommender systems has received relatively less scrutiny. In this work, we strive to develop techniques based on neural networks to tackle the key problem in recommendation —collaborative filtering —on the basis of implicit feedback.

Although some recent work has employed deep learning for recommendation, they primarily used it to model auxiliary information, such as textual descriptions of items and acoustic features of music. When it comes to model the key factor in collaborative filtering — the interaction between user and item features, they still resorted to matrix factorization and applied an inner product on the latent features of users and items.

By replacing the inner product with a neural architecture that can learn an arbitrary function from data, we present a general framework named NCF, short for Neural network-based Collaborative Filtering. NCF is generic and can express and generalize matrix factorization under its framework. To supercharge NCF modelling with non-linearities, we propose to leverage a multi-layer perceptron to learn the user-item interaction function. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show significant improvements of our proposed NCF framework over the state-of-the-art methods. Empirical evidence shows that using deeper layers of neural networks offers better recommendation performance.

A Dynamic Recurrent Model for Next Basket Recommendation

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Next basket recommendation becomes an increasing concern. Most conventional models explore either sequential transaction features or general interests of users. Further, some works treat users’ general interests and sequential behaviors as two totally divided matters, and then combine them in some way for next basket recommendation. Moreover, the state-of-the-art models are based on the assumption of Markov Chains (MC), which only capture local sequential features between two adjacent baskets. In this work, we propose a novel model, Dynamic REcurrent bAsket Model (DREAM), based on Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). DREAM not only learns a dynamic representation of a user but also captures global sequential features among baskets. The dynamic representation of a specific user can reveal user’s dynamic interests at different time, and the global sequential features reflect interactions of all baskets of the user over time. Experiment results on two public datasets indicate that DREAM is more effective than the state-of-the-art models for next basket recommendation.

BERT4Rec: Sequential Recommendation with Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer

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Modeling users’ dynamic preferences from their historical behaviors is challenging and crucial for recommendation systems. Previous methods employ sequential neural networks to encode users’ historical interactions from left to right into hidden representations for making recommendations. Despite their effectiveness, we argue that such left-to-right unidirectional models are sub-optimal due to the limitations including: item unidirectional architectures restrict the power of hidden representation in users’ behavior sequences; they often assume a rigidly ordered sequence which is not always practical. To address these limitations, we proposed a sequential recommendation model called BERT4Rec, which employs the deep bidirectional self-attention to model user behavior sequences. To avoid the information leakage and efficiently train the bidirectional model, we adopt the Cloze objective to sequential recommendation, predicting the random masked items in the sequence by jointly conditioning on their left and right context. In this way, we learn a bidirectional representation model to make recommendations by allowing each item in user historical behaviors to fuse information from both left and right sides. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets show that our model outperforms various state-of-the-art sequential models consistently.

