Setup Gitlab CI/CD for Machine Learning Project

Data Folks Indonesia
7 min readJun 24, 2023

This article demonstrates a basic configuration for CI/CD on Gitlab. Continous Integration and Continous Development are terms that describe an end-to-end process from several changes in development to production environment. CI/CD automates all the work for code integration such as integration test, unit test, and regression test, as well as deployment process with a set of predefined criteria. Hence, CI/CD reduce manual effort in order to maintain the quality of the software.

Photo by Quinten de Graaf on Unsplash

This article focuses on inference part and you may need to add more layers for model development part. But, it almost the same process.


Please read these pages to grasp the concept of CI/CD

andd yeap, this is me writing technical tutorial while thinking about going to the beach

Let’s continue:

  • Create Gitlab account at
  • Create account for web api deployment
  • Create repository on
  • Clone Repository

run git clone<your-username>/iris-api.git

  • Build a simple RESTFUL API
This is the file tree for this project

Create src/

"""Iris Web API Service."""
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
import numpy as np
from src import distance, iris

dataset = iris.get_iris_data()

app = FastAPI()

class Item(BaseModel):
"""Input class for predict endpoint.

BaseModel (BaseModle): Inherited from pydantic

sepal_length: float
sepal_width: float
petal_length: float
petal_width: float

def homepage():
"""Homepage for the web.

str: Homepage
return "Homepage Iris Flower - tags 0.0.2""/predict/")
async def predict(item: Item):
"""Predict function for inference.

item (Item): dictionary of sepal dan petal data

str: predict the target
sepal_length = item.sepal_length
sepal_width = item.sepal_width
petal_length = item.petal_length
petal_width = item.petal_width

data_input = np.array([[sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width]])

result = distance.calculate_manhattan(dataset, data_input)
return result

Create src/

"""Load iris dataset from scikit-learn."""
from sklearn import datasets

def get_iris_data():
"""Load iris dataset.

set: consists of X, y, feature names, and target_names
iris = datasets.load_iris()
x_data =
y_label =
features_names = ["sepal_length", "sepal_width", "petal_length", "petal_width"]
target_names = iris.target_names

return x_data, y_label, features_names, target_names

if __name__ == "__main__":
x_data, y_label, features, target_names = get_iris_data()

print("X", x_data)
print("y", y_label)
print("features", features)
print("target_names", target_names)

Create src/

"""Distance module for calculating distance between data input and dataset."""
import numpy as np

def calculate_manhattan(iris_data: np.ndarray, input_data: np.ndarray):
"""Calculate the distance between 2 vectors using manhattan distance.

dataset (np.ndarray): Iris dataset
input_data (np.ndarray): 1x4 matrix data input

string: Return prediction
x_data, y_label, _, target_names = iris_data

distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(x_data - input_data), axis=1))
distance_index = np.argsort(distance)
y_pred = target_names[y_label[distance_index[0]]]

return y_pred

if __name__ == "__main__":
dataset = [
np.array([[4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2], [4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.9]]),
[0, 0],
["sepal_length", "sepal_width", "petal_length", "petal_width"],
["setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"],
sample_data = np.array([[4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2]])
print(calculate_manhattan(dataset, sample_data))

Create test/

import numpy as np
from src.iris import get_iris_data
from src.distance import calculate_manhattan

def test_calculate_manhattan():
dataset = get_iris_data()
input_data = np.array([[4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2]])
result = calculate_manhattan(dataset, input_data)
assert result == 'setosa'

Create Dockerfile

FROM python:3.10



COPY . .

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

ENTRYPOINT ["uvicorn", "src.main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "8000"]

Make requirements.txt

# python

# web app

# models

Create fly.toml

app = "iris-api-demo-stg"
primary_region = "sin"

dockerfile = "Dockerfile"

internal_port = 8000
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = true
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0

Setup Web App on

First thing first, please install flyctl on your computer by following this link

Then, do the authentication flyctl auth login

Then create your personal access token for Gitlab here save the token to your notepad, later we will add the token to gitlab environment.

Now, you need to create 2 app: staging and production.

Staging app

flyctl launch --auto-confirm --copy-config --dockerfile Dockerfile --name iris-api-demo-stg --now --org personal --region sin

Production app

flyctl launch --auto-confirm --copy-config --dockerfile Dockerfile --name iris-api-demo--now --org personal --region sin
Eventually, you will look something like this in your dashboard

Don’t forget to add access token to gitlab environment for deployment purposes. Add variable and named it as FLY_TOKEN.

Setup CI/CD


Now, let’s focus the main content here, configurating the CI/CD pipline.

  • Let’s create a new file namedgitlab-ci.yml and call this v1
image: python:latest

stage: build
- echo "Build Docker"

stage: test
- echo "Run Code Test"

stage: deploy
environment: production
- echo "Deploy to"

This is a simple gitlab-ci that runs every single push that you make to remote repo. What it does is when you push a change, 3 jobs will be triggered. docker-build, code-test, and production.

Let’s dive in on how the things work.

image: python:latest means that all these jobs run on top of docker image of python latest version which you can find on docker hub.

docker-build is the name of the job. The name of the job can be anything and you can create numerous jobs in a single .yml file.

stage means which stage this job falls into. There are 3 common stages in the CI/CD pipeline, build, test and deploy.

environment is used for specify which environment this job will run. You will get a list of jobs that has specific environments. This allow you to deploy which commit you want to redeploy. Hence, this makes easier if something went south in the staging or production environment.

script allows you to write a shell command in the container. Think like a set of script will run in the terminal.

Once you done:

git add gitlab-ci.yml

git commit -m "add gitlab-ci.yml

git push

Then, you can navigate to pipeline tab

As you can see, there are 3 green check mark that shows successful jobs had been run. If it fails, the icon will be red cross.

Pipeline detailed page

Now, you have created a simple pipeline.

Let’s create a pipeline that usually used for ML API development.

image: python:latest

stage: build
- merge_requests
- echo "Build Docker"
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pylint src --rcfile=.pylintrc
- black src --check
- pydocstyle src

stage: test
- merge_requests
- echo "Run Code Test"
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pytest

stage: deploy
environment: staging
- staging
- echo "Deploy to in staging environment"
- curl -L | sh
- bash
- /root/.fly/bin/flyctl deploy --app iris-api-demo-stg --access-token $FLY_TOKEN

stage: deploy
environment: production
- tags
- echo "Deploy to in production environment"
- curl -L | sh
- /root/.fly/bin/flyctl deploy --app iris-api-demo --access-token $FLY_TOKEN

We have 4 jobs:

  • code-check this job runs code quality check such as linting using pylint, formatter using black, and docstring using pydocstyle. This is used to make sure that the written code follow the guidelines. This job will only run on merge request. If you just push to the remote branch, it won’t trigger this job.
  • code-test Then, we have code test, we have already created a simple unit test above in the test_main.pyThis is to ensure that the module that we created run as expected.
  • staging this job will run if the merge request has been approved into staging branch. This will be automatically deployed to using stagging application. This allows you to do user acceptance test.
  • production Finally, we have production job. The purpose is quite similar with staging one. This job will be triggered if you create a tag in the repository.
Create tag for deploying into production web app

Once you create merge request and merge into staging branch. it will deploy to staging app. If it is as expected, you can proceed to merge request to main branch, then approve. Once done, you can create tag to deploy into production web app.


That’s more or less to setup CI/CD on Gitlab. This may seems simplified, I will create more and more complex pipeline that involves MLOps such as model tracking, data versioning, model registry, model monitoring, etc. Hit the follow button and please connect on Linkedin at

