Data For Democracy Monthly Roundup: February 2018

Astrid Willis Countee
Data for Democracy
Published in
6 min readMar 12, 2018

Each week the D4D community gets a newsletter detailing events and announcements going on in the community. If you are not yet a member, come join 3300+ volunteers who are using data science skills to do tech for good.

Some highlights from February are:

Partnership with and Tableau

From Tableau’s blog

Black History Month has officially started, along with a month long celebration in partnership with and Tableau.

Each week a different organization will be featured with Data For Democracy in Week 4: Civic Engagement and Politics.

Read more on the post from this week.

Possible Project?

What if we could make a social weapon for good? This was a question I was asked last week, and wanted to extend it out to the D4D community.

Since many D4D members are working on different projects that are aimed at identifying bad actors on social media, there might be room to bring these together to identify and solve some of these problems.

I was asked if there might be interest within D4D in making it easier to do something (such as notify twitter of bots spewing hate messages). If you are interested, join #weapon-for-good.

Open Data Day with Code For America

This year the D4D community has been invited to participate with Code For America on Open Data Day, March 3rd.

There are 4 areas of focus:
1. Open research data
2. Tracking public money flows
3. Open mapping
4. Data for equal development

This is open to everyone with events around the world. Member @alexdodds is hosting a fill-a-thon for the U.S. City Open Data Census on Open Data Day, with in-person events in DC and NY. For those who can’t attend in person, there will be a google hangout for anyone to join. Make sure to register to participate.

D4D Community Announcements

@renee shared a link for those who want to experiment with fingerprinting of bot followers.
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@kris.shafer shared a link to register at Digital Pedagogy Lab this summer. Read more at the original post.
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@dpatil shared his medium post about creating a movement towards a code of ethics.
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@DaveKotschessa shared a resource for beginning python learners.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — The Data Practices Manifesto and Community Principles was shared during the D4GX event on Tuesday.
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@Simon_TC shared this link for open weather apis.
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@scottcame shared this link for climatology data

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — @malte is looking for prison recidivism data for a possible project. See the original post in #general
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@ilanalight shared this link about how data science is being used in human rights.
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@gretchenriggs shared this link for a webinar on March 1st about improving access to government data.
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@jaypeedevlin is looking for data on historical polling trends on guns. See the original post in #general
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — @jheppler invited the community to participate in Endangered Data Week, this week. Read more of the original post here.
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@datasciencerenee invited the community to Tom Tom Fest for the Applied Machine Learning Conference (AMLC). Read more of the original post here
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@Nick Kallfa is looking for R experts to help him with his app
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@kerefavell shared this article about data and democracy
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@soren.spicknall shared a project that links open data to civic metrics
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@amanda shared a resource to find data sets
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@jonathon was interviewed by CNN this week!
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We are so grateful for all the volunteers who have put so much time and effort into making this community work. We remain inspired by the work that is being done in this community; thank you for all the amazing work that you’ve done and for continuing to collaborate on more projects. We can’t wait to see what D4D accomplishes next!

Over and out,

Data For Democracy

The Data for Democracy team



Astrid Willis Countee
Data for Democracy

Technology Anthropologist with expertise in deep tech, sustainability and human science #climatechange, #health, #misinformation #medicalanthro #socialjustice