Data For Democracy Monthly Roundup: March 2018

Astrid Willis Countee
Data for Democracy
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2018


Each week the D4D community gets a newsletter detailing events and announcements going on in the community. If you are not yet a member, come join 3400+ volunteers who are using data science skills to do tech for good.

Some highlights from March are:

AMA with Mona Chalabi (The Guardian) and Derek Willis (ProPublica) on Data Journalism

In case you missed it, we had an AMA on Tuesday March 6th with Mona Chalabi of The Guardian and Derek Willis of ProPublica.

Make sure to join the #ama channel to check out the conversation.

Collaboration with Data Carpentry

#p-code-of-ethics is considering doing a collaboration with Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry in order to create exercises.

Data For Democracy Community Announcements

@Zach Estela shared some press for his fake news app and put out a call for help on the front end
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@datasciencerenee invited the community to Tom Tom Fest for the Applied Machine Learning Conference (AMLC). Read more of the original post here
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — @kris.shaffer shared this article on making a twitter bot
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@Buruc Kaniskan shared a link about how the Trump campaign used facebook data.
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We are so grateful for all the volunteers who have put so much time and effort into making this community work. We remain inspired by the work that is being done in this community; thank you for all the amazing work that you’ve done and for continuing to collaborate on more projects. We can’t wait to see what D4D accomplishes next!

Over and out,

Data For Democracy

The Data for Democracy team



Astrid Willis Countee
Data for Democracy

Env & Tech Anthro focused on climate resilience, pub health and risk for vulnerable pops #climatechange, #health, #misinformation #medicalanthro #socialjustice