Data For Democracy Monthly Roundup: May 2018

Astrid Willis Countee
Data for Democracy
Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2018


Each week the D4D community gets a newsletter detailing events and announcements going on in the community. If you are not yet a member, come join 3600+ volunteers who are using data science skills to do tech for good.

Some highlights from May are:

D4D in HBR

Data for Democracy’s code of ethics project got a mention in the Harvard Business Review.D4D on Good Morning America

This past week Good Morning America ran a report on fake reviews on Amazon that featured our own @renee

D4D Code of Conduct

Data for Democracy is officially adopting the contributor covenant as a basis for our internal code of conduct. This has been added to our read-this-first section of our GitHub.

In addition. we will continue to build on top of this covenant with more D4D specific needs at #p-d4d-code-of-conduct. Please make sure to join the channel if you want to participate.


Data For Democracy is working on taking on more projects as an org.

In order to facilitate that, project docs templates have been created to help set up ideas as proposals. Please also feel free to use these docs to help set up any project.

If you are interested, or need access to the doc templates please join #d4d-research.

Civic Data Alliance Adopting Code of Ethics

Civic Data Alliance, the official Code for America Brigade in Louisville, KY is officially adopting #p-code-of-ethics!! The code is being added to their governing docs, located here.

D4D Project Highlight: Are You Fake News?

Check out the recent Data For Democracy Blog publication of @Zach Estela’s update on the Are You Fake News project.

This includes a background on the project, where it is now, and where he hopes to take it in the near future.

P.S. if you are interested, please join the #p-areyoufakenews channel.

D4D Project Highlight: #ToxicTwitter

Check out the recent Data For Democracy Blog publication of our newest partnership

with Amnesty
International on their Toxic Twitter project. This includes a background on the project, What they hope to accomplish and how you can help.

If you are interested, please join the #amnesty-intl channel.

How Russian Trolls Won America’s Hearts and Minds

Member @anela shared this post, with help from #disinfo-campaigns about how targeted content on social media infiltrated the American election.

D4D Community Announcements

@Nikki Stevens shared a TED talk she gave about book inclusive design
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@jonathon shared an article about the responsibility of engineers when systems they create cause harm
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@amanda shared a resource for identifying data duplication
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — @Scott Herford shared an article about Recursive Feature Elimination with SciKit Learn.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — @Nic Moe shared a link for the The Uptake Data Fellows program.
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@jstay shared a tool he built for investigative journalism (
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@Felipe Santos is looking for someone who works in Brazil (preferentially near Sao Paulo) and willing to give a talk about data ethics.
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@jonathon shared a link to applications to give a talk at the next Data for Good Exchange.

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check out this article on fake Amazon accounts featuring @renee and @Erin Gallagher.
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@Michaylah Mam shared a forum for the Future of Driverless City
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@scottcame shared work on turning the 3500+ individual PDFs of Russian (IRA) facebook ads into a dataset suitable for analysis@gentry shared this link to a survey for data scientists
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@viola shared a voter app she built for San Diego’s primaries
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@Rosie Williams shared this tweet about journalism of algorithms and this tweet about how different social media networks effect you.
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Astrid Willis Countee
Data for Democracy

Env & Tech Anthro focused on climate resilience, pub health and risk for vulnerable pops #climatechange, #health, #misinformation #medicalanthro #socialjustice