Origin Story

Jonathon Morgan
Data for Democracy
Published in
1 min readDec 3, 2016

The question I’m asked most often by data scientists is: “How can I help?”

Now, more than ever, this is the attitude we need. Data people have a lot to offer. We’re driven by a passion to find the truth. We understand how information can be used to make better decisions and improve our communities.

Whether you’re an experienced data scientist looking for a side project, still learning, or just trying to figure out how you can help, we’re inviting you to join us. This is an experiment to see how the data science community comes together. Email jonathon [at] datafordemocracy.org for an invitation.

Today this is a space to organize, to brainstorm, to collaborate, and to support each other’s projects. We’ll help each other track down datasets, refine models, improve visualizations, team up on apps, debug code, promote work, and connect with communities who need our analysis.

Then we’ll see what happens.

