
TensorFlow vs Pytorch - The Best deep Learning Framework!

TensorFlow vs Pytorch! Deep learning solutions comparative!

Josue Luzardo Gebrim
Published in
8 min readApr 17, 2021


A brief comparison between Tensorflow and Pytorch wins the best of the best in the world! :)

In the last few week’s I was taken to research and consider two trendy deep learning frameworks, Tensorflow and Pytorch. Below we have an accumulation of all the purchases found during my search.

Tensorflow is an open-source deep learning framework developed and maintained mainly by Google since 2015, being widely used by companies, startups, and business firms for automation and the development of new solutions. Its wide adoption by the market is mainly due to its ease of use, support for distributed training, scalable product, and deployment options.

Airbnb uses Tensorflow to classify images and detect objects to improve the guest experience, Coca-Cola using the Framework was able to prove proof of purchases in a simplified way, Lenovo created a platform to accelerate the smart revolution, Paypal uses in fraud prevention, WPS has developed an intelligent office for different scenarios with image recognition and…



Josue Luzardo Gebrim
Data For Everyone

As a platform engineer, ecosystems, and data solutions, I'm sharing my opinion and what little I know from time to time here.