42% Take a Break from Facebook

Miguel H Gonzalez
Data Is Beautiful
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2018

Pew Research released findings from a recent study that deserves our attention. This Pew study implies that people have changed their attitudes and behavior in the aftermath of the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

And while serious issues surrounding Ad Safety remain unresolved, placement of advertising adjacent to appropriate content has improved. This development represents a deeper issue — relevance.

If this data indicates a general retreat from Facebook, it also portends a loss of relevance among people. Facebook is still grappling with trust issues. Passion and sustained interest may be shifting to other platforms. After all, a quarter of this study’s respondents have deleted Facebook from their phones.

We tend to focus most of our attention on the message and design of communications and brand experiences. Context is arguably even more important. The environment into which the brand appears and vies for attention affects audience reception.

“Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them, and sometimes it’s an ad.” is the famous quote from Howard Luck Gossage. Where they do their reading is as important as what we’re asking them to read.




Miguel H Gonzalez
Data Is Beautiful

Shaping the white space of advertising in the digital era. Opinions are mine, all mine and mine alone.