Jab Data met Dealer —Data can replace chai-samosa culture!

Pushkar Limaye
Data Kisaan
Published in
3 min readDec 25, 2020

“Sandeep ji, this is great — data is suggesting I should just set up an inquiry center at the cement factory right across the street to start my new sales campaign!”

The visualization that brought a shine to the tractor dealer’s eyes

Finally, that was the Aha! moment when our Meerut Dealer started looking at data as his strongest sales companion. At the same time, it was a “one small step for the dealer, one giant leap for the data analytics” kind of moment for all of us in the DataLabs team. Here’s the story of how it all started :)

The Samosa Convention

It all started with Mahindra Shri Event — while our team had shifted base to Uttar Pradesh. We were literally living the tractor owners’ life every single day. With big help from Atul Tyaagi ji and X ji , we were pitching to potential customers to buy our kit. One of the key highlights of the event was the launch of “575 DI XP plus brand”. Shri event had a 1 hour slot dedicated for launching the new beauty in the market. The tractor pitch was quite appealing — “It has everything plus”. Mileage, Speed, Power, Torque, Seat quality, ease of gear shift, Aesthetics, Engine, everything was being pitched as more. We had a unique chance to observe the crowd reaction during the show, at the inquiry stall and through a lot of interactions during the installations on 1000+ tractors we have done so far. While the traditional way of pitching to the customer goes something like this — “Make him feel good (Samosa and Tea were of great use here :) ), pitch him 10 things out of which he is almost sure to like 2 of them. Keep up the good feel, convert” ,

“Can Data replace Chai and Samosa for acquiring and retaining customers?”

We had a unique chance of observing this model through a data driven lens. And surprisingly we saw personas in clusters — There were young, entrepreneurial ones, there were middle aged owners with kids, caring deeply about PnL, and there were older ones, with social influence for whom tractor was a prestige symbol. There, it sparked a thought in our minds — can we capture these clusters and personas using their tractor usage? Can Data replace Samosa and Tea ?

Our journey to build a Simha Profiler began with this simple question in mind.

Interested to read more about what’s happening next on the data — dealer partnership? Have a look at this interesting piece by our team

Enjoyed this article? Then be on the lookout for another two weeks later. Till then, for any data related discussions, feel free to drop us a line at datalabs@carnot.co.in. And don’t forget to follow Data Kisaan on Medium.

