Predict a Tractor Purchase with the Modern Crystal Ball

Hiten Rajgor
Data Kisaan
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2020
Two farmers discussing, while the Sales rep is seeing a new lead

Do you believe in future prediction using a crystal ball? How about astrology? What if I tell you that you can literally predict if a farmer will be buying a tractor or not in the near future?

We are different. We are modern and we got our modern tool Simha Profiler with us. We don’t have a crystal ball or some of the best astrologers in our team but fortunately, we got our users’ usage insights and some of the best data scientists in our team and the combination of these two is nothing less than a crystal ball 🔮

The existing process of making a tractor sale is lengthy… way too lengthy! We don’t know when was the last time the process was updated! We are making an effort to bring about a revolutionizing update to the whole process.

In the existing process, the dealer’s salesperson talks to 7–8 random people, having no prior knowledge of their background (what type of work they do, which tractors they own, etc.). There are many other blind spots. All this information is gathered after a lengthy discussion. After putting in so much effort maybe 1 out of 8 farmers actually purchases a tractor.

Now imagine you can skip all the above steps and instead of days you get results in minutes with just a few clicks. Sounds lucrative, right?

Note: These are estimated figures with Simha Profiler

Yes, you read the above figures right. Imagine you had started a new dealership shop and you don’t know any of the farmers around. Your team is small and full of freshers. Making inroads sounds tough, right? Though you got Simha Profiler with you.

Your fresher salesman walks in and notices two leads notifications in the Simha Profiler. He gives a call to the leads and one of them wants to buy a tractor this week while the other one wishes to buy sometimes in the next few months.

The salesman invites the farmer to the dealership and shows him a few tractor models that suit the type of work he is doing and the farmer show an interest in one of the tractors.

HOLD ON! How does the salesman know which type of work the farmer is doing? …. Simha Profiler? Yes, you guessed it right with Simha Profiler you can see information like the

  • Type of work the farmer is doing
  • No. of hours traveled
  • Age of the tractor

and much more. You can literally tailor an offer for a particular farmer that suits him best and significantly increase your chances of conversion, as no one understands the customer as well as you do.

Covid had changed everything! And this is the “new” tractor sales ecosystem. Be it Covid or poor weather conditions. Simha Profiler will perform at its 100%. Are you ready for the new change?

If you are still searching for a crystal ball, we wish you luck. In case you want to try the new modern crystal ball a.k.a Simha Profiler drop us a mail here —

Confused about where to open your new dealership? Here is an answer to where you should open your dealership.

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