GRE or GMAT ? Which one should I take? And why I prefer GRE !

Data & Life & School
11 min readJun 25, 2019


Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

我想這個問題適合在這個時間點拿出來探討 ,7月開始想必很多同學們也開始著手研究托福 GRE GMAT , 然後搜尋自己要的學校收哪種成績並且也思考該如何安排準備進度 ,這篇文章的主要目的是想分享我從GMAT轉戰GRE的心得 ,我會從幾個角度來切入好讓大家可以類比自己的狀況 ,有助於更快速的達標 。

For those who do not know what is GMAT.

GMAT is a computer adaptive test (CAT) intended to assess certain analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in written English for use in admission to a graduate management program, such as an MBA. It requires knowledge of certain specific grammar and knowledge of certain specific algebra, geometry, and arithmetic.

簡單來說,GMAT就是一個測驗邏輯及語文能力的考試,而商學院像是 MBA會以此來拿當作入學的評測標準,考試主要分為”Verbal”及” Quantitative”,前者包含 : 文法 邏輯 閱讀,後者則是數學計算 。其中這項考試很特別的是所謂的 CAT 制度 — 電腦化適性測驗,你的每一題選項會影響你下一題的難度,藉由一連串的作答最終給出一個成績。

For those who do not know what is GRE.

GRE is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for most graduate schools in the United States.According to ETS, the GRE aims to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing, and critical thinking skills that have been acquired over a long period of learning. The content of the GRE consists of certain specific algebra, geometry, arithmetic, and vocabulary sections.



Data & Life & School

我是Michael,今年即將前往聖母大學主修商業分析,我希望從現在開始分享過去這一年半的申請心得,也期待出國後跟大家保持聯繫,持續讓大家了解學校及科系,歡迎各位追隨我的好讀版 ◉