Data Minds #2 — Andreas Mueller

Jared Polivka
Data Minds
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2017

Andreas Mueller, Artificial Intelligence and DS at Columbia University.

In this episode, you will meet Andreas Mueller and learn about his passion for:

  • democratizing access to high-quality machine learning algorithms
  • promoting reproducible science

Andreas Mueller is a lecturer at the Data Science Institute at Columbia University, he is author of the O’Reilly book “Introduction to machine learning with Python, he is a Software Carpentry instructor and he is one of the core contributors to the scikit-learn machine learning library.

Andreas holds a doctorate in Computer Vision from the University of Bonn in Germany.

Show Notes / What You’ll Learn

  • Childhood dreams
  • First programming languages
  • College and pure math
  • Soccer playing robots, the robot master, deep learning and the transition to computer vision , self guided PhD
  • First open source project
  • Getting started with scikit-learn and the NIPS conference
  • Democratizing Machine Learning
  • Scikit-learn examples: Banks, Spotify and
  • Opportunities for new and improved data science tools (blackbox ML, understandable ML, visualization, etc.)
  • Favorite data visualization tool
  • Andreas’s new book: Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
  • Advice to aspiring data scientists (type of data scientist and type of role)
  • What is a data scientist?
  • Advice on becoming a better data scientist
  • Python Vs. R — different use cases, pros and cons
  • Software Carpentry. Making code (from academia) more reliable and reproducible.
  • The need for peer code review in academia
  • DS pet peeves
  • Deep learning in the next 5 years
  • Books that Andreas gives as gifts
  • Personal definition of success
  • Who to emulate
  • Advice to 20 Year Old Self
  • Machine Learning: Theory vs. Practice
  • Other people to interview

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