Final Project —Urban Simulation Model

Richard Chou
Data Mining the City 2022
2 min readFeb 28, 2022


For the final project, students will team up to combine their analysis modules into a comprehensive final project based on a structured thesis. Building upon the three modules covered in class (Population, Space, Time), students will create an urban simulation model that visualize spatial patterns of the city through data, as well facilitate exploration and speculation via scenarios.

“a simplified representation of a system under study, which can be used to explore, to understand better or to predict the behavior of the system it represents.”


1. Research Report

  • A Catchy Title + Authors Names
  • Abstract — write a concise paragraph explaining the project’s mission, conclusions, and takeaways. Include the best image/GIF of your project here.
  • Introduction— a clear research statement explaining the topic of study, assumptions, and expected outcomes. Emphasize why this research is important.
  • Methodology — include details of the research methodology, process (how it works?), and results. Use this portion to document and explain the simulation model modules.
  • Conclusion/Takeaway —share any findings from your simulation and analysis. Employ both written and visual explanations to highlight insights and recommendations to create urban impact.

2. Urban Simulation Model

  • Population Define a synthetic population. Identify sources and assumptions of the Establish assumptions. In addition, In addition, create one or more conceptual diagrams that explain the complex relationships of the urban condition.
  • Space —Develop a data-rich digital twin to visualize the urban context and spatial conditions of your study area, and create data visualizations and analysis.
  • Time — Perform analysis and simulations to via scenarios to explore and test your project. Can the model demonstrate change over time? (urban development / gentrification/ sea level rise) What are scenarios that could be explore via simulation?

3. Sources & “New Data”

  • In addition to citing data sources used within this project, share the results of your simulation or analysis as a organized dataset for others to reference, explore, and build upon.


  • Research report will be submitted as a Medium post shared to the course publication using the tag Student Work and Final Project .
  • Source files of the simulation model & new datasets should be uploaded to a Google Drive folder or Github Repository and included in the report.


  • 3/01 — Form Groups & Brainstorm (Group List)
  • 3/23 — Research Proposal
  • 3/23 — Proposal Presentation
  • 4/13 —Module 3 Presentation
  • 4/20 — Desk Crit
  • 5/01 (Sun)— Final Presentation



Richard Chou
Data Mining the City 2022

I am passionate about developing data-driven design strategies for urban design and city building of the next century.