Quantitative to qualitative: exploring the living quality of NYCHA residents

Rae Lei
Data Mining the City 2022
2 min readFeb 9, 2022

Rae Lei | sl4976

  • Description

Residents of NYCHA affordable housing programs are the study population, since these programs contribute a lot to social equity and life quality of vulnerable groups of people. And by looking at the quantitative data of this population, for instance, education level, accessibility to public facilities, mental health condition and etc, we can examine how the living qualities of these residents are improved and thus address social justice.

  • Conceptual Diagram
fig1. conceptual diagram
  • How it works

accessibility to public facilities = (counts of public facilities within 10mins walk / population counts)

compare the community health& education data with city average to decide which feature needs to be improved

find the correlation between different datasets and visualize the data using heat map, thus define the leverage point to yield big improvements of the living qualities of residents

  • Data Sources



Rae Lei
Data Mining the City 2022

MS. Architecture and Urban design candidate at Columbia GSAPP