Processing Simulating People

Violet Whitney
Data Mining the City
3 min readSep 19, 2018

Find Processing / Python Code Examples

One of the best places to learn Processing and Python is to play around with the examples that come with Processing and Python. From Processing (in . Python mode) go to File >Examples and double click on any of the files to see examples. Explore!

Processing Python Example


Start your semester project

  1. Write a short paragraph about what you’d like to do for your semester project. Don’t spend more than 15 mins on this. This should be fast and intuitive! Don’t over think it!
  2. Add 2–5 words about what you’d like to do in this spreadsheet.

Create a simulation with:

  • a population of 150 people
  • Random — Use random in your code
  • Use noise
  • Make some of your population move fast.
  • Make some of your population move slow.
  • Bonus: Use images for your population
  • Bonus +: create shadows for your population
  • Bonus ++: use a keyPressed to change a behavior in your population
  • Bonus +++:leave a trail behind each person in the population

Posting to Medium

  1. Click the 3 dots at the top of the page. In the drop down menu, select “Add to Publication”. Select “Data Mining the City”.
  2. Click the green “Publish” dropdown at the top of the page. In this drop down you will need to add a tag “Research”. Then click “Publish”.
  3. After your publication is posted, Quentin and I will need to accept the draft. Once its accepted in will appear on the “Research” page of the Publication.

What to Post

  • title
  • text — description of your Session A project idea
  • text — description of your population and the rules for the homework assignment
  • image or gif — relevant images or gifs
  • code — post your code in a code block like this (use 3 back tics `` ` ):
#this is where your code should go

Pinterest is a great place to find images of people but also ideas about simulations! Also check out non-scandanavia for png images of people.

Fun environment ideas:



Violet Whitney
Data Mining the City

Researching Spatial & Embodied Computing @Columbia University, U Penn and U Mich