Outline of Final Project

Qigao Wang
1 min readNov 17, 2017


We have group of four people(Weijian Bi, Hui Liu, Qigao Wang, Shaochun Zhou).Teamwork distribution: Weijian and Hui will collecting and cleaning the data we use. Qigao and Shaochun will writing the Medium post and help for integrating the scripts. All of the team members will building the classes and functions together.

We will use python to show the street-views along the No. 1 Subway. As a tourist or international student like me, I only know the route from my apartment to School. I always get lost and get off the train in a wrong station and that waste times and patience. So, our group would use 1 train as sample to create a route for this train with different stops in map. We will use google street-view pictures for each stations which can guide you to the right stations and you will not lost views even you are underground.

Data Source: Google Street-view API.

