Session B Homework 1

shulin zhang
Data Mining the City
2 min readOct 30, 2018

It is recommended that Regular Papers are submitted for review with around 8 to 10 pages, with the appropriate font size and page format, including references, tables, graphs, images and appendices. Submissions with less than 4 pages or more than 13 pages will be automatically rejected.

  • Brief Outline of Your Paper:

To adapt our project for the conference’s conference area — Real-time Systems
& GPS System, we will adapt our Real-time Community Navigation System and further develop it for the street layout in different cities to perform case studies and comparison. The result of each case study will demonstrate distinct reaching areas of each time period of trip duration as simulated by our system. The learning of this project will be a comparison of different city grids and different cities’ geographic reach in a specific time according to the best routing algorithm. The consequence of the comparison will be valuable for assessing cities’ performance in ground transportation environment and could provide great opportunities by future practical applications of the system.

Here is the outline of our paper for submission:

  1. Introduction of Project
  2. Methodology — A comparative study
  • Comparison of Best Routing Algorithms
  • Comparison of Different Cities’ Maximum Range of Reaching Within Same Time

3. Comparison of Best Routing Algorithms

  • The Bellman-Ford Algorithm,
  • The Shortest Path Faster Algorithm (SPFA),
  • The Floyd Algorithm
  • The Dijkstra Algorithm
  • Why choosing the Dijkstra Algorithm

4. Applying the Dijkstra Algorithm

  • Two Ways of Applying

5. Case Study of Cities

  • Selecting Cities

i) Select/Analyze Cities’ Road Network & Study Street Patterns

ii) Analyze Cities’ Traffic Environment

  • Applying our program for each city
  • Comparison of the maximum range of reaching within same time for each city
  • Result Analysis

6. Opportunities for Future Application

7. Conclusion

