
Violet Whitney
Data Mining the City
3 min readOct 30, 2019


Individual Project— Building on Concept Your Group
Due: Nov 13


  • clarify your argument
  • develop compelling arguments and visual representation through diagram
  • think in a creative, exploratory manner about simulation
  • explore modern concepts of money, time and power in space

A Poem

  • Create a poem of no more than 20 words that captures what your vignette simulation’s intent, i.e. what argument does it make, what question is it trying to answer, or what is it trying to explore.

Poetry +

  • Pick one of the three concepts: money, time, or power and notice how its represented in your argument poem. If its not represented in your poem yet, alter your poem to make one of these present.

Poetry in Motion

  • Create 3 simple system diagrams of your poem in the form of gifs (can also be video). The visualization of the gifs should relate to your poem, i.e. do you represent certain words in your poem as a color and then use that same color for that element in your gif?

Gif Variation

create 3 ways of varying that system and think about how it impacts the main aspect you are measuring…example:
— change the sequence of events— what happens
— change the power — what happens
— change money — what happens

Coded Poetry Vignette

  • from your gif, create 3 small vignettes of your system diagram in Unity code (this should not be built to work with your entire existing project code). See how the idea of the vignettes can demonstrate how what you are measuring changes.

Poetry Post

  • Create a Medium Post that captures your poem, and all of the individual systems gifs and your coded poetry vignettes.

For more ideas on drawing dynamic system diagrams :



Violet Whitney
Data Mining the City

Researching Spatial & Embodied Computing @Columbia University, U Penn and U Mich