Visualizing Museum Collections

Celeste Layne
Data Mining the City
2 min readOct 20, 2017


Visualizing the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s (@metmuseum) instagram account

What types of art attract more people?

Most museums share their collections (as well as their events and programming)with their audience via instagram and other social media platforms. Many museums are also competing for the attention of art lovers in an effort to drive up their memberships as well as their attendance. The Metropolitan Museum of Art has the highest visitor numbers in New York City and is in the top five globally. However, most museum administrators are at a loss for understanding what will bring visitors through their doors.

This project is a first step in an attempt to look at the types of works people are interested in — by city. The goal of this project is to visualize the collection of the top ten museums in the city and rank their works by the number of likes.

Data sources: The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s (@metmuseum) instagram account

import jsondef setup():size(750, 600)

def draw():
global i, items, x, y, column, row


with open('../data/metmuseum_instagram.json') as mm:
data = json.load(mm)
items = data['items']
# collections.append(items)

# print(len(collections))

# for loop
numItems = len(items)
for i in xrange(0, numItems):
item = items[i]

thumbnailText = item['caption']['text']
thumbnailLikes = item['likes']['count']
thumbnailUrl = item['images']['thumbnail']['url']
thumbnail = loadImage(thumbnailUrl)

column = i % 5
row = floor(i / 5)

x = 150 * column
y = 150 * row

mouseIsOverTheColumn = x < mouseX and mouseX < x + 150
mouseIsOverTheRow = y < mouseY and mouseY < y + 150

mouseIsOverTheRectangle = mouseIsOverTheRow and mouseIsOverTheColumn

if mouseIsOverTheRectangle:

# change the color of the overlay color
tint(169, 138, 116)

image(thumbnail, x, y)

# add number of likes to image
fill(243, 156, 18)
text(thumbnailLikes, x + 75, y + 75)

# create text box and place instagram caption
if (mouseY < 300):
fill(227, 227, 227)
rect(0, 300, width, 300)

fill(169, 138, 116)
text(thumbnailText, 25, 300, (width-50), 300)
fill(227, 227, 227)
rect(0, 0, width, 300)

fill(169, 138, 116)
text(thumbnailText, 25, 0, (width-50), 300)
# the following link allows you to grab JSON data by pagination



Celeste Layne
Data Mining the City

Software Engineer. Trinidad-born. Queens-grown. NYC forever.