Week 2

Qigao Wang
Data Mining the City
1 min readSep 20, 2017

Uber is better than Taxi

Share economy is one of the most popular topic in our lives. Is share economy really help us change to a better quality of life? I would like to use the data of Taxi ridership before and after Uber drop into the market. Or the change of congestion time and air quality(less emission or not).

#this is where the face isfaceRadius = 70faceXPosition = 50faceYPosition = 50#this is where the ears areearRadius = 18earYPosition = 25leftearXPosition = 20rightearXPosition = 80#this is where the eyes areeyeRadius = 20eyeYPosition = 45lefteyeXPosition = 35righteyeXPosition = 65#this is where the eyebolls areeyebollRadius = 8eyebollYPosition = 45lefteyebollXPosition = 35righteyebollXPosition = 65#this is where the mouth ismouthWidth = 10mouthHeight = 5mouthXPosition = 45mouthYPosition = 65#this is where I draw the shapes of the faceellipse(faceXPosition, faceYPosition, faceRadius, faceRadius)ellipse(lefteyeXPosition, eyeYPosition, eyeRadius, eyeRadius)ellipse(righteyeXPosition, eyeYPosition, eyeRadius, eyeRadius)fill(255,0,0)rect(mouthXPosition, mouthYPosition, mouthWidth, mouthHeight)fill(99,99,99)ellipse(leftearXPosition, earYPosition, earRadius, earRadius)ellipse(rightearXPosition, earYPosition, earRadius, earRadius)fill(99,99,99)ellipse(lefteyebollXPosition, eyebollYPosition, eyebollRadius, eyebollRadius)ellipse(righteyebollXPosition, eyebollYPosition, eyebollRadius, eyebollRadius)#save as imagesaveFrame(“Panda.png”)

