#Dataforpolicy2021: The programme

Data & Policy Blog
Data & Policy Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2021

Here’s the latest version of the simplified programme for #dataforpolicy2021, the Data & Policy journal partner conference.

For presenters, details and abstracts, see the full programme here.

Conference Timetable, London time (September 14th — 16th)

Photo by Jordan Encarnacao on Unsplash

DAY 1, 14th September

15:00–15:05 Opening Remarks — Welcome to the Conference by Zeynep Engin, Founder of Data for Policy & Arrangements for the Conference by Emily Gardner, Data for Policy Community Manager

15:05–16:00 Opening Plenary Panel — “Different Perspectives on the Impact of Covid-19 on Data Ecosystems”, chaired by Stefaan Verhulst, GovLab, with Brennan Lake, Senior Director of Research Partnerships at Cuebiq, Chinwe Ochu, Director, Prevention, Programmes & Knowledge Management at the Nigeria Centre for Disease
Control and Chris Wiggins, Professor at Columbia University and Chief Data Scientist at The New York Times

16:00–16:40 Standard Track 1.A — Data-driven Transformations in Policy and Governance, chaired by Eric Meyer

16:40–16:50 Short Break

16:50–17:30 Standard Track 2.A — Special Panel [45]: Towards smart city planning — digital twins and parallel world scenarios to support better public policies? by organisers Franziska Sielker*, Timea Nochta*, Li Wan, Claudia Yamu*, Markus Kraft, Jethro Akroyd, Amit Bhave*, Aurel von Richthofen, Pieter Herthogs*, Gourab Karmakar, Aravind Devanand, Vsk Murthy Balijpalli and Gemma Burgess

17:30–18:10 Standard Track 6.A — Data to Tackle Global Issues and Dynamic Societal Threats, chaired by Jon Crowcroft

18:10–18:40 Networking Break

18:40–19:20 Standard Track 3.A — Policy Frameworks, Governance and Management of Data-driven Innovations, chaired by Eleonore Fournier-Tombs

19:20–20:00 Standard Track 4.A — Ethics, Equity and Trust in Policy Data Interactions, chaired by Laura Acion

20:00–20:10 Short Break

20:10–20:50 Standard Track 2.B — Data Technologies and Analytics for Policy and Governance, chaired by Innar Liiv

20:50 Day Close

Photo by Leqi Wang on Unsplash

DAY 2, 15th September

13:00–13:05 Day opening

13:05–13:40 Special Track II.A — Facilitating Data-Driven Innovation for Sustainability: Policy Frameworks and Measures for Data Governance, chaired by Masaru Yarime

13:45–14:25 Standard Track 2.C — Data Technologies and Analytics for Policy and Governance, chaired by Catherine Mulligan

14:25–14:35 Short Break

14:35–15:15 Standard Track 5.A — Algorithmic Governance, chaired by Mustafa F. Ozbilgin

15:15–15:55 Special Track III — Systemic engagement: Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and the design challenge of inclusion, sustainability, and data ownership, chaired by Ronit Purian and Avram (Avi) Cohen

15:55–16:25 Networking Break

16:25–17:05 Keynote Lecture 1 — “The production of ‘regulatory science’ through in-the-wild technology testing: Live facial recognition technology as the Thalidomide of AI?”, by Professor Karen Yeung, Birmingham Law School

17:05–17:45 Standard Track 1.B — Data-driven Transformations in Policy and Governance, chaired by Tom Smith

17:45–17:55 Short Break

17:55–18:35 Standard Track 2.D Special Panel [73] — Estimating and Forecasting Migration Flows, organised by Peter Smith, University of Southampton, and chaired by Jakub Bijak

18:35–19:15 Standard Track 3.B — Policy Frameworks, Governance and Management of Data-driven Innovations, chaired by Francesco Mureddu

19:15 Day Close

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash

DAY 3, 16th September

11:15–11:20 Day opening

11:20–12:00 Standard Track 1.C — Special Panel [11] — Informing policy for region and cities: data approaches for timely and granular evidence, organised by Paolo Veneri (OECD), Ricardo Barranco (European Commission- EC) and Patrizia Sulis (European Commission — EC), chaired by Justin Van Dijk

12:00–12:40 Special Track II.B — Facilitating Data-Driven Innovation for Sustainability: Policy Frameworks and Measures for Data Governance, chaired by Masaru Yarime

12:40–12:50 Short Break

12:50–13:30 Standard Track 2.E Special Panel [36] — Building health data infrastructure to manage epidemics in developing country contexts: Experiences from the Global South AI4COVID Program in Africa and Latin America, organised by Laura Acion, Enzo Ferrante, Sylvia Kiwuwa Muyingo, Amelia Taylor and Katie Clancy, chaired by Katie Clancy

13:30–14:10 Keynote Lecture 2 — “A Blueprint for Social Data Foundation”, by Dame Wendy Hall, Regius Professor of Computer Science, Associate Vice President (International Engagement), and Executive Director of the Web Science Institute, University of Southampton, chaired by John Taysom

14:10–14:40 Networking Break

14:40–15:20 Standard Track 6.B — Data to Tackle Global Issues and Dynamic Societal Threats, chaired by Wilson Wong

15:20–16:00 Standard Track 2.F — Data Technologies and Analytics for Policy and Governance, chaired by Barbara Ubaldi

16:00–16:10 Short Break

16:10–16:50 Standard Track 5.B — Algorithmic Governance, chaired by Lauren Maffeo

16:50–17:45 Special Track I — Arguments, algorithms and tools: what do we need to shape policy and confront misinformation post-pandemic?, chaired by Jaron Porciello, Ulrike Hahn and Stephan Lewandowsky

17:45 Closing remarks — Zeynep Engin, Founder of Data for Policy

17:50 End of Conference



Data & Policy Blog
Data & Policy Blog

Blog for Data & Policy, an open access journal at CUP (cambridge.org/dap). Eds: Zeynep Engin (Turing), Jon Crowcroft (Cambridge) and Stefaan Verhulst (GovLab)