Deep Learning Hardware Selection Guide for 2023

To run deep learning models incredibly faster

Rukshan Pramoditha
Data Science 365


Photo by Thomas Foster on Unsplash

Deep learning requires large amounts of computational power.

Even a small neural network model has more than 100K parameters. There are neural networks that have billions of parameters. So, training such large neural networks is highly expensive in terms of computer resources.

Such massive computational power cannot be obtained from the CPU only. Other hardware like RAM, GPU, Storage, and Cooling System need to be used together.

One of the main reasons for emerging deep learning is the availability of highly-advanced computational equipment at affordable cost.

Selecting the right hardware for deep learning is crucial because you need to run deep learning models incredibly faster. Otherwise, it will take days, months or even years to run complex neural network models!

This is the deep learning hardware selection guide written for those who want to build deep learning applications incredibly faster!

Table of contents
1. CPU Selection
Number of cores and threads
Max clock speed (turbo frequency)
Base power (TDP)
Examples of recommended CPUs
2. RAM Selection
RAM size…



Rukshan Pramoditha
Data Science 365

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