The Relationship between AI, ML, NNs and DL

Not all neural networks are deep learning models

Rukshan Pramoditha
Data Science 365


AI, ML, NNs and DL — Relationship Diagram (Image by author, made with

You often hear the terms Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Neural Networks (NNs) and Deep Learning (DL). These are also my writing topics. I’ve already published more than 100 articles on these topics.

Today, we’re going to discuss how AI, ML, NNs and DL relate to each other.

By looking at the above diagram (see the cover image of this article), we can say the following things.

  • AI is a broad field. ML, NNs and DL are subsets of AI.
  • NNs and DL are specific fields of ML. You should be familiar with general ML before learning NNs and DL.
  • Not all neural networks are deep learning models.

Let me explain each term in detail.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is an advanced technology that allows machines and systems to gain intelligence and prediction capability. AI systems learn from past experience or data we provide. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) are the two most important aspects of AI. Today, we can find intricate AI systems. However, most of them are not close enough to the human brain where natural intelligence exists.



Rukshan Pramoditha
Data Science 365

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