A Simple Introduction to Statistical Hypothesis Testing

A Simple Introduction to Statistical Hypothesis Testing on the Predicting Heart Failure Dataset

Data science & AI Learning Journey


Photo by Anna Nekrashevich on Pexels


In the previous article, we saw a relationship between age and death event. We also saw a relationship between serum creatinine and death event. Those relationships can be either correlations or associations. A correlation is a relationship between two continuous variables. An association is a relationship between continuous variables and categorical variables. But associations do not always mean that age or serum creatinine cause death event. We will need to find the cause of this relationship.


In this article, we will introduce the tools for statistical hypothesis testing. We will discuss the following aspects:

  • Difference between Populations, Samples, Parameters, and Statistics
  • What is a Hypothesis?
  • What is Statistical Hypothesis Testing?
  • Parametric vs. Non-Parametric Hypothesis Tests
  • P-Value
  • Level of Significance
  • Basic Decision Theory
  • Limitations of Statistical Significance…



Data science & AI Learning Journey

Software Engineer & ML Research Associate | Passionate about Innovation and Technology