Naive Bayes or K-NN for classification?

Phani Srikanth
Data Science | Analytics
2 min readAug 4, 2014

The basic difference between K-NN classifier and Naive Bayes classifier is that, the former is a discriminative classifier but the latter is a generative classifier.

Going into specifics, K-NN classifier is a supervised lazy classifier which has local heuristics. Being a lazy classifier, it is difficult to use this for prediction in real time. The decision boundaries you achieve with K-NN are much more complex than any decision trees, thus obtaining a nice classification. When you are solving a problem which directly focusses on finding similarity between observations, K-NN does better because of its inherent nature to optimize locally. This is also a flipside because, outliers can significantly kill the performance. Additionally, K-NN is most likely to overfit, and hence adjusting ‘k’ to maximise test set performance is the way to go. As the complexity of the space grows, the accuracy of K-NN comes down and you would need more data, but the order of this classifier is n^2 and it becomes too slow. So, a dimensionality reduction technique like PCA, SVD etc are typically applied and subsequently this classifier is used.

Naive Bayes is an eager learning classifier and it is much faster than K-NN. Thus, it could be used for prediction in real time. Typically, email spam filtering uses Naive Bayes classifier. It takes a probabilistic estimation route and generates probabilities for each class. It assumes conditional independence between the features and uses a maximum likelihood hypothesis. The best part with this classifier is that, it learns over time. In a spam filtering task, the type of spam words in email evolves over time. In the same way, the classifier also calculates probability estimates for the newly occurring spam words in a “bag of words” model and makes sure it performs well. This feature of the classifier is due to the inherent nature of the algorithm being generative and not discriminative.



Phani Srikanth
Data Science | Analytics | I enjoy working on Machine Learning, attending live concerts and following Test Cricket.