Introducing DS@PS

The growth of Data Science and Machine Learning at Pluralsight has been remarkable and my journey with the company has been wildly educational! I had the privilege to join Pluralsight in late 2014 to start a Data Science team, and the field ahead was wide open. Since then, things evolved so quickly that I almost felt like I had a new job every six months. The amount of data grew, the types of problems we were solving grew, the team grew, and Pluralsight skyrocketed from a small company to a $2.7B publicly traded company in just a few years.

Through that, we’ve had to figure a lot of things out; and in doing so, we’ve learned a lot. We hope and believe that others might benefit from hearing about what we think did right, what we know we did wrong, and what we are currently wrestling with. And we think we’ll learn just as much by asking ourselves to articulate these things.

In the coming weeks and months we’ll share posts about:

  • Challenges in scaling our teams
  • What we’ve learned about org design
  • Standing up Machine Learning infrastructure
  • Our foundational principles for the practice of data science
  • Tools and workflows we use
  • How we experiment
  • And lots of technical things we are learning by doing

We look forward to sharing and learning together!



Michelle Keim
Data Science and Machine Learning at Pluralsight

problem solver, pragmatist, life-long learner, adventure-seeker, wanna be outside, runner, mom, leader; Data Science & Machine Learning at Pluralsight