Bash Command Line Cheat Sheet for Data Scientists — Uniqtech Guide

Data Science Bootcamp


Know enough command line to be dangerous, even if you never worked server-side or system ops side before. Basic understanding of Unix Linux like commands is also useful for data science, machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence. It is also useful for launching web servers, configuring environment variables, keys. Our articles are beginner friendly, built by bootcamp and online MOOCs graduates for graduates. We improve and learn by working with learners from around the world.

Bash command line is applicable for Linux and Apple Mac OS systems. Commands are usually different on Windows. For Windows, I recommend using Anaconda or Miniconda to manage your data science environments as installation can be time consuming and challenging. And it will well with GPU setup if the device is available. For example NVIDIA’s GEFORCE GTX 1060 is CUDA compatible. CUDA allows you to program the GPU to work with deep learning libraries such as Pytorch. These are also commands you can use in the terminal / console by the same name.

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