Google BigQuery and Cool things you can do with It

Data Science Bootcamp


What is BigQuery?

BigQuery is google’s offering for enterprise, fully-managed, serverless, cloud data warehouse. Use BigQuery high performance modified SQL queries on massive datasets. It integrates with other Google Cloud APIs services such as storage, Data Studio (visualization, pivot table). Even use SQL and BigQuery datasets to train machine learning models.

“BigQuery is a fully managed, massive scale, low cost enterprise data warehouse on top of Google’s compute storage and network infrastructure” — Google Developer. It replaces traditional data warehousing (DW), replacing major enterprise business intelligence and data warehousing (BI/DW) needs. Run familiar SQL queries optimized for massive public and private datasets.

Because BigQuery is fully managed, you just have to bring your analyst and data scientist to BigQuery. BigQuery even has data for you to analyze. — Uniqtech team

Fully managed means we don’t have to provision or manage our own clusters.

Traditional queries can take hours to run on traditional DW infrastructure. BigQuery allows any end user to be apart of the data science effort at their company. Users can self service datasets without a DBA. Run adhoc queries, aggregate queries across extremely large datasets.

BigQuery is pretty much great for any data you can fit in tables.

