Developer Life is Good Miami Bitcoin Edition + Easter Egg for Paid Subscribers June 2021

Data Science Bootcamp
3 min readJun 8, 2021


Bitcoin Party?! 😱

Developer life is good, not gonna lie. Our classmate at Stanford apparently had a blast in Miami this weekend for the Bitcoin conf, VIP after-party with Bitcoin decorated Dom Perignon champagnes, To-the-Moon 🚀 plaques, the the super famous Logan + Floyd boxing match — the game of the century for YouTubers. Gosh, even after living in the bay area for years, we have not seen Such Wow Much Fancy and COVID 😱 Of course. We don’t support partying or crowds right now but it’s something to behold. But wow that’s what Miami is really made for.

Bitcoin VIP clubbing?! 👆🏼

Startup life can be superb, though often it is filled with pain and struggle. We will talk about the dark side of founding a startup soon enough. 🌒

Did they just go to the Logan Floyd fight? Wow event of the century. Much impressiveness. 👆🏼

Read our most recent smart article: NFT explained here. Learn more about Blockchain technology.

Top Writers R Us

Apparently Medium thought we are worthy top writers. Follow us on medium If you are on Medium find us on Substack

Of course thank you readers for your support. You made our day.

Eggs for Paid Subscribers

Every month we scout the internet for high quality resources — usually free ebooks and white papers, even datasets for our paid subscribers, to make your subscription more worthwhile, to just add a bit value. We are not affiliated with the freebies we found, but we think they will help your machine learning career.

🍳 Your June egg here: (PRO access)

Job Search AI Tool

Our vision for the job tool, but it will take a while for AI to do that, TBH.

We are building a small AI tool to analyze job postings and deliver insights to you. A simple version is available soon. We will share insights we found about product manager, business analysts, program manager soon. Machine Learning practitioners, deep learning, data engineers job posting analysis will be available in the future.

We also got some awesome graphics coming. Our tutorials will look more sleek soon. Developer goals for 2nd half of 2021 is to develop super useful smart projects — real life projects that are useful to build, fun, and great learning experiences.

Understand Machine Learning through Jokes

You know we are building a machine learning course, and it takes a while. If we are good comic artists, then we can explain it with just one picture. XKCD does it so well :

Machine Learning Hardware and Mining Hardware

An older article, but really explains the hardware for Machine Learning, ML in cloud, and even mining hardware

ML hardware (Pro access)

