Understand Dot Products Matrix Multiplications Usage in Deep Learning in Minutes — beginner friendly tutorial

Data Science Bootcamp


Updated August 2023. Dot products matrix multiplications and cosine similarity sound like quite a mouthful. There are easy ways to understand and memorize them for good. Read on. We will introduce super easy way to understand and remember dot product.

Follow us for beginner friendly learn-to-code, data science, machine learning and technical interview contents. An example is our super popular tutorial on Softmax. Say hi@uniqtech.co . But first a formal definition and an explanation why is dot product useful.

Wikipedia: In mathematics, the dot product or scalar product is an algebraic operation that takes two equal-length sequences of numbers (usually coordinate vectors) and returns a single number.

Don’t worry we will tackle this very soon.

There are two takeaways: it takes two vectors of equal length as input, and it outputs just one number! Not a vector.

And here’s the formula, again don’t worry about the details:

Wikipedia: formula for dot product

Prefer an easy to understand real world example? Scroll down to see our price times quantity equals to total sales example. It explains dot product using layman terms.

Why is dot product useful?

