Playing Around with R

Data Science Exploration
1 min readJul 19, 2015

Alright, the long awaited first write up of my introduction to R! I spent this week reading through Chapter 1 of OpenIntro’s stats book. So far I must say this thing is pretty impressive. But thats neither here nor there. This is about the first lab in R.

My first plot in R. Nothing too fancy yet.

As you can see above, I played around with the plot function in R to work on making great visuals that can help explain data. As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words.

In this first lab they introduce you to the basic functions in R. Simple things like plot, source and demonstrate some basic manipulations available. A little rudimentary, sure, but its always nice to start out with the basics.



Data Science Exploration

Exploring and building my creative outlet. Follow me for weird ramblings and the occasional useful nugget.