378. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix

Sharko Shen
Data Science & LeetCode for Kindergarten
1 min readMay 30, 2023

Given an n x n matrix where each of the rows and columns is sorted in ascending order, return the kth smallest element in the matrix.

Note that it is the kth smallest element in the sorted order, not the kth distinct element.

You must find a solution with a memory complexity better than O(n2).

Example 1:

Input: matrix = [[1,5,9],[10,11,13],[12,13,15]], k = 8
Output: 13
Explanation: The elements in the matrix are [1,5,9,10,11,12,13,13,15], and the 8th smallest number is 13

Example 2:

Input: matrix = [[-5]], k = 1
Output: -5


class Solution:
def kthSmallest(self, matrix: List[List[int]], k: int) -> int:


# 1 (0,0)
# 10 (1,0)
# 12 (2,0)

res = [1]
# 5 (0,1)
# 10 (1,0)
# 12 (2,0)

res = [1,5]
# 9 (0,2)
# 10 (1,0)
# 12 (2,0)
minheap = []

for r in range(min(k,len(matrix))):

while k :
res, r, c = heapq.heappop(minheap)
#注意設定範圍 c+1時才不會out of range
if c < len(matrix) -1:
heapq.heappush(minheap, [matrix[r][c+1], r, c+1] )
return res
#T: O(k log k)
#S: O(k)

Time Complexity:O(k log k)

Space Complexity:O(k)



Sharko Shen
Data Science & LeetCode for Kindergarten

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