Algos! Algos everywhere!

Akhil Gupta
Data Science Group, IITR
2 min readMar 19, 2017

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” dates back to 19th century. It’s 21st century already, and time to move on!

An Algorithm a day keeps you on top of the leaderboard.

Schedule for Blogposts!

Here, we intend to brief all of you about the most common machine learning algorithms, and help you with the understanding.

What all will be there?

On the mentioned dates, a blogpost shall be released.

  • What the algorithm does?
  • When should it be used?
  • How it does, what it does?
  • Implementation in Python

The randomness in the order is not random, but has been purposely intended. :)

The Algorithms

Keep following this space for better learning!
it so that everyone can get better at DS.



Akhil Gupta
Data Science Group, IITR

Graduate Student at the University of Illinois. ML @ deepair. Working towards social good using AI.