Best AI-Agents you should know

HuggingGPT, DemoGPT, AutoGPT and more

Mehul Gupta
Data Science in your pocket


Photo by Eric Krull on Unsplash

ChatGPT would be completing it’s 1st birthday in November. In this past one year, the AI space has seen some significant growth, be it new LLMs, frameworks around them or the latest addition, AI-Agents that can help you accomplish tasks rather than just chatting and text generation. In this post, we will be explicitly talking about a few such AI-Agents that you should know.

My debut book “LangChain in your Pocket” is out now !!

We will be discussing the following tools

HuggingGPT : What happens when OpenAI join forces with HuggingFace?

DemoGPT: Build any Streamlit App with just a prompt

Open-Interpreter : What if AI can interact with your local system and help you change config, clean your system and more?

SuperAgent: Framework to create custom AI-Agents with a UI

Sweep: Automatic git PR creation and issue resolution AI-Agent

AutoGPT: AI-Agent that help you execute tasks and not just chat

BabyAGI: AI-Agent similar to AutoGPT but more of a task management systenm with no execution powers

AgentGPT: Baby AGI + UI

Big AGI : Similar to AgentGPT but better and more functionalities

Add-On : ChatGPT for Jupyter notebook and CLI

Lets get started


HuggingGPT is a combination of LLM and models available in HuggingFace. So if you give HuggingGPT a task, it internally uses LLM to break it down and then use HuggingFace model to achieve it. So if you ask HuggingGPT to tell a joke on cats and add a photo of a cat, the LLM may use Dall-e for image generation from huggingface and some other available model (or itself) to generate the joke. See the example below


This python package just requires a prompt and than create any webapp with specific features and even deploy it in local using Streamlit. The only thing you need is to pip install demogpt and launch it using command ‘demogpt’ in cli. See the below demo for creating a blog creator app using streamlit


This AI-Agent can interact with your local system and help you in tasks like cleaning your system, change system config, creations of files, renaming stuff and what not. To use, you need to pip install open-interpreter python package and launch it with command ‘open-interpreter’ in cli. Check out the below demo on how I deleted my older files using open-interpreter


Superagent is a UI framework to build custom AI-Agents for different purposes. You can even attach datasources and enable APIs for your agents with just a click. The usage is super easy and can be explored below.


Sweep is suprisingly a great Git UI integration which not only resolves any issues opened by viewers for your git repo, but also helps you add new features to your git repo and automatically open a PR for this merge. For using sweep,

  • Enable sweep for your specific repository
  • Create a new issue for the repository starting with Sweep: ‘your issue’
  • Rest is all taken care by Sweep

See a demo how I added a new feature to my repo using Sweep


AutoGPT is an autonomous AI-Agent which is capable of not just text-generation, but also execution of tasks. See how I build a flask webapp using AutoGPT with just a prompt.

Baby AGI

It is more of a task management AI-System which when given a task, breaks it into multiple sub-tasks and priortizes them using self-knowledge.Checkout the below demo for Baby AGI


It is very similar to BabyAGI but with a UI. Checkout how AgentGPT performs below


Similar to AgentGPT, Big AGI appeared better to me compared to AgentGPT. Though, it doesn’t use Baby AGI at it’s core, it has functionalities like drawing, ReAct prompt framework, RAG integration for document Q&A, etc. The UI is definitely better. Check it out below


GenAI: It a wonderful python package which integrates with your notebook with a jupyter magic command and helps you with errors and writing codes.

ChatGPT for UI: There existed a package named chatgpt that integrates chatgpt with your CLI. Check the usage below

With this, let’s wrap this post.

See you soon with something exciting on Gen-AI in my next !!



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