GraphRAG tutorials for Beginner

Codes and theory explained with examples

Mehul Gupta
Data Science in your pocket
2 min read1 day ago


GraphRAG has been the talk of the town since Microsoft released the viral gitrepo on GraphRAG, which uses Knowledge Graphs for the RAG framework to talk to external resources compared to vector DBs as in the case of standard RAG.

My debut book: LangChain in your Pocket is out !!

This blog post explores different tutorials I’ve prepared for GraphRAG that can help beginners get started

What is GraphRAG?

How GraphRAG works?

GraphRAG using LangChain

GraphRAG for CSV data

GraphRAG for JSON

Knowledge Graphs using LangChain

RAG vs GraphRAG

So let’s get started

What is GraphRAG?

GraphRAG is an advanced version of standard RAG where the LLM can chat with your external documents. In standard RAG, we use vector DBs but for GraphRAG, it is Knowledge Graphs. Find the detailed explanation below:

How GraphRAG work?

The below tutorial explains how GraphRAG works, starting from

Knowledge Graph creation

Community detection and summarization


Now, let’s talk about some coding tutorials

GraphRAG using LangChain

This coding exercise talks about how to create your first basic GraphRAG application using LangChain’s LLMGraphTransformer using any LLM over a given text data

GraphRAG for CSV file

What if you need to build a RAG system over CSV data? Even this can be done and that too, following a lesser number of steps. Check the full demonstration here:

GraphRAG for JSON

This is actually interesting where we will first

Convert JSON to unstructure text

Create Knowledge Graph on this unstructured text

Create GraphQARetrieval chain

Knowledge Graphs using LangChain

Knowledge graphs can be useful for GraphRAG and analysing your data, especially when the data has a visible graph structure. This video explains how we can create Knowledge Graphs using LangChain

RAG vs GraphRAG

Last, but not least, this video explains the difference between RAG and GraphRAG at various criteria like complexity, when to use, cost etc helping you to decide what to use when

Hope this list of tutorials is helpful for you to understand GraphRAG!

