What is AutoGPT?

Data Science in your pocket
3 min readOct 15, 2023
Photo by Aideal Hwa on Unsplash


VTeam | What is AutoGPT?

The rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) has reshaped numerous industries, with GenAI at the forefront of this revolution. In this blog, we venture into an innovative project that empowers LLMs with actionable abilities, turning them from simple text responders to dynamic system bots. Join us as we delve into AutoGPT, a top-rated GitHub project based on GPT-4, guiding you through its configuration and demonstrating its vast potential.

LLMs have taken the world by storm. Be it any sector, GenAI has impacted almost everything. This blog is a step ahead and talks about an exciting project built around LLMs taking their capabilities further ahead by providing them with executing powers. Yes, you heard it right, not giving just text answers but executing tasks for you like an actual bot for your system.

AutoGPT is amongst the highest-starred github repos related to LLMs. In this post, we will understand What is AutoGPT, how to set it up locally, and then a few demonstrations of what it is capable of doing. So let’s get started.

What is AutoGPT?

AutoGPT is an experimental and open-source artificial intelligence (AI) agent that is based on the GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4) language model. It is designed to act autonomously, meaning it can perform tasks with minimal human intervention and can even self-prompt to initiate actions. AutoGPT is capable of chaining together multiple tasks to achieve a broader goal set by the user.

This AI agent is a significant advancement in the field of AI because it exhibits characteristics of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). AGI refers to AI systems that can perform tasks based on their research, reasoning, and intellect, similar to how humans can.

AutoGPT can be used for a wide range of applications and tasks, making it a versatile tool for natural language processing and automation. Users can ask AutoGPT to complete complex tasks, research difficult topics, suggest solutions, and more, all without the need for extensive manual programming or supervision.

How is AutoGPT different from an LLM?


  • AutoGPT: AutoGPT is primarily designed as an AI agent capable of performing tasks autonomously. It can take action based on a prompt or task without human intervention.
  • LLM (GPT-4): Large Language Models like GPT-4 are designed for natural language understanding and generation. They excel at tasks like text completion, translation, and text generation but require explicit prompts and are not inherently autonomous.


  • AutoGPT: AutoGPT is built to act autonomously and can initiate actions or tasks based on its understanding of the context, making it suitable for more task-driven applications.
  • LLM (GPT-4): LLMs require specific prompts or instructions to generate text. They do not have autonomous decision-making capabilities and rely on user-provided input.

Task Execution:

  • AutoGPT: AutoGPT can execute tasks from start to finish, making it suitable for automation, task automation, and problem-solving.
  • LLM (GPT-4): LLMs are typically used for generating text based on given prompts or questions. They are not designed for end-to-end task execution.

Task Complexity:

  • AutoGPT: AutoGPT is designed to handle a wide range of complex tasks and can even chain together multiple actions to achieve broader goals.
  • LLM (GPT-4): LLMs are more focused on language-based tasks and may struggle with highly complex or multi-step actions.


  • AutoGPT: AutoGPT can respond to dynamic situations and adapt its actions based on the evolving context.
  • LLM (GPT-4): LLMs generate responses based on fixed prompts and do not adapt to changing contexts without new instructions.

Read how to setup AUTOGPT in local and about demostration in the full blog version below

VTeam | What is AutoGPT?

