6 Must See City Data Libraries

Start analyzing a city’s data today!

Zoshua Colah
Data Science Library
3 min readNov 4, 2018


Source: https://images.readwrite.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/smartcity-01-min-e1475721806228-825x500.jpg

All cities have to keep track of the information that flows through them from various departments and organizations. Fortunately, almost all of this data is available to the public for the sake of transparency. We have collected 6 of these datasets for you to use in your own projects!

New York City, New York

Look through the extensive list of NYC departments and offices to see if something catches your eye, like maybe the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence or the Office of Film, Theatre, and Broadcasting. Feel free to leave a comment or suggestion using the provided link for contacting their open data team!

San Francisco, California

Search through San Francisco’s dataset database for whatever you need, from public college information to statistics about their airport. Be sure to check out their own user project showcase, there’s plenty of interesting visualizations and analysis that could inspire you to make your own!

Seattle, Washington

Our home city of Seattle has numerous data sets available for public use. They’re broken up by category, but you can also browse through the different offices and departments if you’d like. They’ve also got some neat visualizations, like a heat map of permits, that are definitely worth looking at!

Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver provides us with a laundry list of datasets for us to use. They’re organized by time but also by category, so you can decide if you want to look at more recent information or take a wider look at their city and its data! They’ve also helpfully organized the data formats the information comes in, so you can take that into account when you’re planning your own project.

Portland, Oregon

Just like all of the other cities in this article, Portland has pages and pages of datasets for anyone to look at! They’re even rated out of 5 stars, so you can check out highly used datasets or try your hand with ones that people may have avoided or not liked. Similar to Vancouver, these data format the info comes in is given to you, so keep that in mind.

If you’re interested in similar datasets with a much larger scope, check out our article on 5 state datasets worth looking into.

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