Mahbub AlamSQL-style joins using PandasIf you learned SQL you know that joining two or more tables is one of the delicate tasks you’ll do on a daily basis because of how…Apr 12, 2023Apr 12, 2023
Mahbub AlamBinomial (Bernoulli) DistributionThe binomial distribution is a probability distribution of binary outcomes. If asking customers whether they liked a product or not, their…Oct 24, 2022Oct 24, 2022
Mahbub AlamHow good are decision trees for regression problems?For regression problems, statisticians have been using classical linear regression for decades. This technique is popular among data…Dec 9, 2021Dec 9, 2021
Mahbub AlamDecision tree workflow under the hoodThis is how the decision tree algorithm works behind the scene:Dec 2, 2021Dec 2, 2021
Mahbub AlamBreaking into data scienceIf you want to get into the field of data science and machine learning here’s your pathway:May 11, 2021May 11, 2021
Mahbub AlamWord count in a sentence: it’s complicatedTo get the count of words in a sentence you can use Counter from collections module.Mar 5, 2021Mar 5, 2021
Mahbub AlamLoop control: break, continue, passThere are 3 so-called loop control keywords: break, continue and pass.Mar 2, 2021Mar 2, 2021
Mahbub AlamAccessing dictionary itemsNow that you’ve got a Python dictionary (you created it or got it from somewhere), how do you access its contents?Feb 22, 2021Feb 22, 2021